[buffy fandom] query

Apr 01, 2015 02:33

I've been really getting into femslash_minis over the past few months - and my f/f writing ratio has skyrocketed. Which I love, love, love. More femslash always.

But I was just curious if anyone knows of a gen fic exchange? Either in the whedonverse or elsewhere?

And if not - is anyone interested in me starting up one?

Because as much as I love me some femslash... I genuinely want to read and write more gen. It's just not something I see in fandom as often and a community based on that would be so fun.

What say you?

ETA: If you do know of something Whedonverse-fandom specific, please let me know in the comments. But aside from that, upupa_epops and I have decided to start a multi-fandom gen exchange that will operate very similarly to fem-mini's (because honestly, it's the best comm that I've ever been a part of and we both love the format and organization).

I'll be out of town and off-line for the next four days, so on Monday keep your eyes peeled because that's when I'll be starting to get the comm off the ground.

fandom is my girlfriend

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