I only used images of Dawn from S7 only (others are in the alternates) and I tried - to the best of my ability - to keep all the colouring in keeping with the colours in the original screencap. (10, 14, and 15 being the only acceptions to that) Other than three flukes - the rainbow is made up of actual tones that Dawn either wore - or was surrounded by. The indigo is actually from the range of colours in the light shining behind Dawn in that original screencap. This means that the rainbow for this set is rather muted in comparison to some others, but I really wanted to test myself and see what I could do with the limited range of colours that were available.
I really kept myself on a tight leash with this one - which I find typically helps me not completely spaz and do too much or stress myself trying to do everything. Originally I wanted to to Dawn + Potentials S7... but I'm utterly predictable. I really love the rainbow that was created (see full blurred rainbow below the set), I feel less like I did a 20in20 and more like I made a Dawn-rainbow which fills me with feels.
black white white/pink white/red red
coral(red) orange mustard muted-mustard yellow
yellow-green green bright green green/blue light blue
blue blue indigo blue/violet light violet
(credit for blurred rainbow goes entirely to midnightisclose as I completely and utterly stole their fantastic idea)
As always, comment if you'd like something, please don't hotlink or edit without asking.
personal note: I know that I left the October meme kinda just lying there for the past week - but work started up again and I had to (very cruelly) remember just how much spare time I *don't* have. I'm still going to try to work on them, but fantasybbang, journeystory, and yuletide have precedence at the moment unfortunately. (but hey, I know that a great number of you will like what I have coming in the bangs, so don't give up on me yet.)