[fic] when the timing is right

Oct 15, 2014 03:37

fic: when the timing is right
fandom: tvd/btvs
pairing: caroline/buffy
word count: ~1190
recipient: for snogged who wanted third time is the charm or something with cookie dough references for the october meme
a/n:( being a description of my angst over this pairing )

fic: tvd, fic happens here, fic: femmeslash, fic: crossover, fic: btvs

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Comments 14

snogged October 14 2014, 23:45:41 UTC
I really enjoyed your take on my prompt. It had an "Anne-ish" feel to it, despite it's coffee-shop AU status.

I enjoyed Caroline's inner monologue and reaction to Buffy.

I mean cookies - chocolate chip cookies - you take them out of the oven when the insides are still a bit gooey and mushy. That’s how it works.

But then they won’t cook all the way through.

No. They carry the heat with them out of the oven. You take them out, but they keep on baking.

YES! FINALLY! This is the sort of thing someone needed to tell Buffy after she did her whole cookie baking speech.

Also...now I want chocolate chip cookies. :P


red_satin_doll October 15 2014, 00:08:08 UTC
It had an "Anne-ish" feel to it, despite it's coffee-shop AU status.

I hadn't thought of that but you're exactly right. Thank you for the prompt!

And now I feel strangely sad and I'm not really sure why. There is something lovely and - sad - about this story.

This is the sort of thing someone needed to tell Buffy after she did her whole cookie baking speech.

Joyce might have been able to, had she lived. Or Olivia, if they'd let her stay on the series. (Buffy receiving quality mothering and mentoring being a kink o' mine.) But there was no one there to say it.

And sadly, even if there had been? Probably one of those things you gotta find out for yourself.



kwritten October 22 2014, 05:43:31 UTC
And now I feel strangely sad

Oh geez I'm so sorry for that, btw! I have this ongoing problem where it is impossible for me to write fluff. (just be super grateful that you aren't a Teen Wolf person because the angst damage I do over there on a regular basis is criminal.)

A friend of mine recently teased: "even your fluff is full of angst"

All I can do is shrug.

Probably one of those things you gotta find out for yourself.
I didn't figure it out fully until I was in my early 20's and I was watching my little sister bake cookies. She never told me how it worked and I always presumed it was some sort of strange magic she had and I didn't.

Also the cookie-baking speech was given to a tosser vampire without baking skills (so far as I remember). Angel is adept at scrambled eggs - and I'd wager Spike knows his way around a kitchen - but I doubt either one would have been able to see this flaw in her logic.



red_satin_doll October 23 2014, 22:18:26 UTC
A friend of mine recently teased: "even your fluff is full of angst"

I wouldn't want it any other way, trust me! (100% straight up fluff usually sends me screaming into the opposite wall unless there is some bit of angst to balance it out.) And my sadness is not your fault at all - I was probably thinking about Buffy in that "dead end" low paying job and either it pinged on my own shit: re chronic unemployment and etc. and/or it brought back memories of

*whispers*Season8 issue 40 god how I hated that shit*/end whisper*

Also the cookie-baking speech was given to a tosser vampire without baking skills (so far as I remember). Angel is adept at scrambled eggs - and I'd wager Spike knows his way around a kitchen - but I doubt either one would have been able to see this flaw in her logic.I don't take Buffy too literally in that speech re: I always thought it was a polite way of sending Angel into the night with his fucking ego intact. (Like she owes him or something. Christ the ego-building women have to do. I would love to know how ( ... )


lynzie914 October 15 2014, 15:36:41 UTC
Oh, I really loved this and how you combined the two worlds and just the two characters. Both of them trying to escape their own shadows, but Slayers and vampires alike can't do that, not really.

I love everything you did with the cookie analogy and how its Caroline that gets through to her, not even knowing what it means to Buffy, that there's something more to it than that. And I love that even after promising herself she wouldn't lie to strangers anymore, Caroline still does it to Buffy in an attempt to make her happy, even when she doesn't know her. And how of course Buffy sees through it all.

And I love their conversations where nothing is really said at all, but somehow they still fall for each other. They fall for each other even knowing what the other one is and what it means for them. Buffy and her pension for vampires. And Caroline and her pension for loving people who can hurt her. (Tyler, one bite and she was a goner.)

I just love it all. :D


kwritten October 22 2014, 05:47:48 UTC
(seriously the worldbuilding was the most difficult part, I'm so glad it worked for you!!!)

This is the sweetiest comment. ((squish))

[caroline/lying = biggest kink ever. imagining a caroline that allows herself to lie only when she deems it ~necessary. the underlying message being that she no longer lies to herself. the imagery of caroline sitting in a bar telling the bartender how shitty her life is and then compelling them before walking away. ugh.]

Caroline reads love like the sharp edge of a knife pressed against her skin. The sharp tang and coolness of metal proves to her that she's alive, the edge proves that she has something to lose. It isn't love for Care if there isn't the possibility that she could lose everything.


lokifan October 15 2014, 19:28:21 UTC
LOVE LOVE LOVE. I really liked this so much and you did such a cool thing with the cookie metaphor.


kwritten October 22 2014, 05:48:31 UTC

Oh I am so delighted that you liked it!!!


happyg_rl October 17 2014, 16:28:52 UTC
Ohhhhhh.... How dare you. This is terrible wonderful and I can't stand it. What an interesting pairing. But it makes a lot of sense. I loved it, the whole "trying to be normal" bit


kwritten October 22 2014, 05:48:59 UTC

So glad you approve!


rosaxx50 October 20 2014, 07:48:55 UTC
Kelsey! I am fulfilling my earlier promise to you, to tell you that Yuletide signups have opened.

*Nudges you*

*Nudges you harder*

*Bangs on your door with flowers*


kwritten October 22 2014, 05:51:44 UTC




I am fully back from my beach holiday so I am going to spend the day having huge Yuletide deliberations!

((also I was so sad to miss both of your memes while I was on holiday - but my phone won't let me comment on eljay posts without a hassle and my tumblr asks always get eaten if I don't use a proper computer. but! I was there and reading I just couldn't participate ))


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