[meme] writing is the worst 22/30

Aug 28, 2014 21:24

Day Twenty-two: Have you ever participated in a fest or a Big Bang? If so, write about your favorite experience in relation to one. If not, are there any you’ve thought about doing? And if not, why not?

I've participated in one Big Bang (or like, successfully completed one) and ended up creating the single best piece of fiction of my fic writing life. I am torn between someday hoping to surpass it and knowing intimately that there will never be anything like it to come upon me again. It took me and I am grateful that it happened. It also spawned one my most deadly and infinitely perfect friendships.

Currently signed up for other big bangs and have a somewhat-solid idea for at least one of them.

My one complaint with my Big Bang project(s) is that - I write in a very specific niche that interests 10% of my teeny, weeny flist. Which means that the larger projects I take on generally end up with very few readers and like... negative responses. What I have planned for journeystory definitely is going to get like 10 hits in the grad scheme of things*. I prefer character studies and gen fics (femmeslash) and generally don't write about popular fandom pairings. (Veronica Mars and The 100 are basically the exceptions that prove the rule.)

As such, probably my favorite project so far was Night on Fic Mountain and I'm hoping to participate in Yuletide this year. The idea of small fandoms getting together and sharing the love really appeals to me.

I also have assignments for summertime fic exchange and A Low Key Summer Exchange due this weekend and I am the definition of ill-prepared. Thank the goddess English Camp is next weekend and not in two days, because if I had to work a full day with a 150+ kids on the same day things were due I'd probably lose what's left of my struggling immune system.

* feel free to ask me about this - I'm working on a very weird apocalyptic Buffy&Dawn AU that is going to be magnificent if I can pull it off - but will probably not get any love #aboutme

meme, 30 days of writing

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