Soo.... I was watching Goblet of Fire tonight while grading* and ended up taking screencaps (/liveblogging the boys failing at heterosexuality) and made some new icons because I want a new Hermione one! So let me know which one you like the best?
* grading/anxiety has me a couple days behind on my February Femslash meme but I'm hoping to get back in the saddle soon! So sorry!
As usual - comment if you take one and please don't hotlink!
This is the one I'm leaning towards using myself. I love that it's Ginny obscured by Hermione's hair/face because it incorporates them both (and feels a bit like Harry's gaze?) But also there are a couple more where Hermione is in-motion and I do love those lots also.
Also tried a couple more with words than I usually do... I'm not generally a big fan of icons with words (one of the reasons why I want a new Hermione icon in the first place.)