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kwritten January 2 2014, 02:23:38 UTC
I've heard that Alias s4 was more popular than s3
Probably because S3 is decidedly more dark. And also Nadia is (I'm guessing) more popular than Lauren.

I... don't really care about anyone else
I have HEAPS of Jack feels. And SARK FEELS! AND SARK/VAUGHN FEELS! AND SARK/SYDNEY FEELS! ((Sark is my baby *hisses*))
But also - hold me with my Sydney and Irina and Lauren feelings.
I just really love everyone.
((And Will! And Weiss! .... *curls into a ball*))

I love anything with completely-dysfunctional yet supremely competent found-families. Spyfamilies forever forever.

and I don't know who Lauren is (lol).
Yes, silly. Because she doesn't show up until S3.

because he's my favourite male Buffy character
my rage knows no bounds I hate the Nice Guy and I hate how canon let's him get away with being a sleezebag douchewaffle and let's NEVER DISCUSS IT *HULKSMASH*

for perhaps similar reasons you don't like Stefan
Stefan/Paul Wesley/ Jared Padelecki/Sam Winchester suffer from this terrible "I hate my ex and you remind me of him in a visceral (but not at all physical) way so please SHUT YOUR FACE please thanks" ... so unless this character does the same thing (which I am getting over and am starting to truly enjoy Stefan without totally recoiling from the screen in abject fear)...
Seriously but I watched the first 2.5 seasons of tVD the Thanksgiving after the dreaded ex left me and it was just ... the parallels between Stefan/B were too apparent and I just HATED him for his treatment of Elena.
I don't see that same set of circumstances setting me off against another male character again. (let's hope) It's been a while... the wounds aren't as fresh. I should be fine.

Also, I'm replying here about your Love Resolution comment so you can edit yours:
Never happened I don't know what you are talking about.



kwritten January 2 2014, 02:27:56 UTC
But no, I think you'll hate my favourite Skins character

I just did a google-image search, because I've seen the pilot ... and I genuinely remember LOVING this character in the first episode.

So you know... unless he pulls a complete 180 - I probably (?) won't hate him?

((The Stefan-hate thing is SO SO personal and makes no sense unless you are in my head and is not at all related to a character type? people should really not judge me for my Stefan-hate.))


rosaxx50 January 2 2014, 02:41:45 UTC
I just did a google-image search, because I've seen the pilot ... and I genuinely remember LOVING this character in the first episode.

Oh, okay then! :DDD


rosaxx50 January 2 2014, 02:40:51 UTC
LMAO, I'm convinced now that you and I have pretty much the precise opposite reactions to Jack Bristow and Xander Harris.

Sark is my baby *hisses*

THIS IS WHAT UNCLE JOHN DID IN HIS YOUNGER DAYS! He used all that training he got hunting vampires and put it to good use! (Or was it the other way around :D)

It's been a while... the wounds aren't as fresh. I should be fine.

Oh BB, I'll say this for Tony, he has an extremely cathartic character arc--both for the TV audience and the characters who love him. But if you feel like you'll feel remotely triggered, completely fine to just skip the episodes, yes?


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