[fic] she likes to ruin them (she likes to watch)

Nov 14, 2013 22:42

fic: she likes to ruin them (she likes to watch)
fandom:  Heirs~
pairing: Rachel/Eunsung/Young Do(/Tan)
prompt: She likes to ruin them. (She likes to watch.)
word count: ~1300
a/n: Yes. I filled my own prompt. So sue me.
warnings: dark!kink; bondage, voyeurism, orgasm denial (there is a link embedded at a certain point to a visual of the device referenced... because I did porny research! look at me! but seriously only click if you are super curious.)

notes: lesbians in Bangkok are the cutest most cute that you will ever see. and enforce - homosexuality is a given here. gender is equally fluid and more strict (aka: you can choose your gender as an adult, but masculine women are presumed lesbian and "lady-boys" are presumed gay. and gay marriage is still not a legal institution - though gay and lesbian couples are socially accepted and visual). I figure if Rachel decided to run away with Eunsang - Bangkok/Thailand is actually the safest place to come? they would be able to slip in without much of a fuss.

[sex in bkk]They chose Bangkok and no one really understood - too much heat and it was so sticky.

It meant that no one was willing to come visit most of the year mainly because of the humidity. And because of their dirty 'soi' and the five floor walk up to a closet with a refrigerator and shower.

It meant they were alone and could be whatever they wanted.

(Eunsang realized within hours why Rachel chose this place. She tried not to openly stare at the couple sitting across from her on the skytrain. Two women. One with short hair and a baggy tshirt, her legs sprawled across the seats like a man, her face strong and sure. One with long, curling hair and too-high heels and too much makeup. Not even having to hold hands, they were so clearly a happy couple.

But after a moment, Eunsang saw other things. The long eyelashes on the girl in jeans, the way she blushed and ducked her head when the other girl spoke, the way she fiddled with her phone and tapped her leg until the other gave her a pointed look. The way the girl with too long hair picked at her untrimmed fingernails, chewed her gum noisily, was assertive where her neighbor was shy and small.

They shared a look - the girl with the shy smile and long eyelashes - a secret knowledge. A secret understanding that suddenly wasn't so secret but still made Eunsang blush and lean a bit away from Rachel without crushing the old woman asleep next to her.

The girl teetering on her heels gave Rachel an appreciative glance and winked at Eunsang when she took her partner's hand and dragged her off the train.

Rachel snorted. I bet they take turns wearing heels in public.)

So they lived in a little teeny room and Rachel told her mother that she was finding herself (and they ignored her inheritance for the time being because it was easier, even if it made Rachel sullen and moody sometimes) and Eunsang found work (she always did) but Rachel found better work (her mother always did) and they got by eating food off the street and cuddling into their den at night like baby bears.

Except they were restless within weeks.

They snapped at each other and something was about to break. (Probably their lease first and them along the way.)

Rachel came home one night to find Youngdo tied up in their tiny apartment.

Well - the first thing she honestly saw was Youngdo's cock in what appeared to be a steel cage. It was only after she (quickly) shut the door did she realize that the caged penis belonged to Youngdo and that he was naked... and gagged... and somehow tied standing up in the doorway to their bathroom.

(She had never seen him look so happy.)

After a few moments - or hours who the hell knows - she looked around wildly for Eunsang.

She was sitting serenely on their bed (a mattress on the floor, tidily made up for the first time since they moved in), casually reading a novel and paying no attention to either one of them.


Oh hi. How was work?

Rachel gestured mutely to the very naked man.

Oh right, Rachel could've sworn Youngdo's eyes brightened when Eunsang dismissed him with a wave of her hand. I found him for you this morning... or he came crawling to us. I don't really know, but here he is. I thought you were due for a present.

There was a pause and then Eunsang actually winked over at him and his eyes crinkled up into a smile hidden behind the gag.

He cleaned up for us. And... a bright smile. I bought you some toys. Just try not to make too much of a mess?

And then she calmly went back to reading her book.

Breaking Youngdo was easy.

It's what she lived for.

What she wasn't counting on being hard was keeping it up - keeping going - with Eunsang lounging fully clothed in a corner, completely ignoring everything happening nearly five feet away.

He moaned and she hissed and he groaned and she laughed and he panted and she only teased him more with her nails and tools. (It's what they should have always done, she knew within moments.)

{and she desperately wanted to speed everything up. she grew hot and anxious. she pulled off layers of clothing to keep from dying. his eyes on hers made her want to smile and draw it out as long as possible (that was her role besides) but when she caught him looking yearningly towards the bright corner of the room, she had to consciously stop herself from turning around and flinging herself at the girl patiently ignoring them. she grew wet with anticipation. she grew hard with resolution. this battle of wills of who would stop, who would break, who would beg the most. she didn't know if eunsang ever glanced up from her book and so she threw herself into her project with a ferocity - never knowing if there were two sets of eyes upon her or one. always hoping for more and always expecting less.}

Rachel began to slow, to falter. Youngdo could only take so much (his tears made her want to continue forever, made her powerful, made her reckless), but there were no rules between them and no rules meant no way to know when to stop...

When a low, gutteral growl from behind her made Rachel jerk around instinctively.

Eunsang was sprawled naked across the bed, her hand between her legs, her eyes wide and luminous.

There was only the slightest hesitation, the smallest moment of doubt, before Rachel's bra was falling to the floor and she was rushing to the bed.

(It wasn't surrender, it was never surrender, they never went down without dragging the world down with them.)

(It's how they were made.)

Youngdo would give as good as he got (and he did) and they needed him to (and they delighted in it) - but first he got to watch them revel just in each other.

(They never needed to kiss away his tears, he came out from under their gazes stronger and more fierce than ever. His eyes burned, his hands lit their bodies on fire. He was their bright, golden flame of anger and want and they laughed in their darkness with their hair swirling all around like goddesses home from the hunt, a lion in their bed.)

(There were enough kisses to be soothed elsewhere. They kept their soft laughter for him. Together they were only darkness and hardness and release.)

Skin on skin, long hair tickling and obscuring everything they couldn't get their mouths and hands on quickly enough.

They were never sated.

It would never be enough.

There would always be the dance, the three of them.
(The four of them.)
(They'd need a bigger place.)

There'd always be someone wanting, someone watching, someone being destroyed. And they wanted it all.

They needed it all.

Needed to be broken open and all the damaged bits inside scooped out and pushed back in.

Needed to do the breaking, to see the pain and hold those battered pieces of another right in the palms of their hands and smile down at the destruction they caused.

Needed to watch the slow tear down and build up, needed to see the pain and the triumph, the destruction and what was left afterwards.

The three of them (sometimes four) tangled up in the sheets of a small bed in a too small room (they needed a bigger place) (but everywhere they went was too small and too large nothing could hold them and nothing helped them feel secure) except their legs tangled up in each other and hot breath on their skin.

ETA: I think I need an intervention.

fic: kdrama, eleonore why?, polyamory, what is my life?, real life meets the internets, flist hearts, fic happens here, 0/10 lj friend, fic: porn

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