[icons] BtVS: Dawn Summers

Jul 07, 2013 06:08

Instead of being productive (at all) I've decided to make icons of Dawn Summers and her perfect face.

Actually, to be fair - I started by taking screencaps of Allison Argent in 3x04 (because she is always flawless) - which turned into me needing screencaps of Dawn Summers so that I could reveal shipper feelings. ((Why does no one else but me ship this? They are both the most precious!!!))

And then I had all these lovely Chosen screencaps and decided to play with them a bit more and make icons. Because there are freakishly too few Dawn Summers icons in the world, imo.

So here are 20 Dawn icons - all screencaps by me, taken only from Chosen
[Dawn Summers is better than you]

And also my newest Dawn/Allison pic-ode

[two warriors unused to armor || be careful with my heart]

pic!spam, fic: femmeslash, dawnie is my personal hero, dragon gold: icons, gotta be queen of something

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