Dec 29, 2009 12:18
The next time Changmin came into the room, it was nearing dark, probably around five or six in the evening. Kibum was sitting in the chair, reading a book he had found in the dresser.
"You do know that dressers are for clothes, not books, right?" Kibum says, not even looking up when he hears the door open. Changmin sighs and goes to sit on the bed, his eyes never leaving Kibum's profile.
"Hey, the bottom drawer has clothes! Not sure if they'd fit you though, you are smaller than me." Changmin says contemplatively, tilting his head as he observes Kibum.
Kibum snorts and marks his place with a piece of paper, closing the book before turning towards Changmin to look at him.
"How long are you planning on keeping me here anyways? You'll go to jail if it gets out you kidnapped me, you know." Kibum tells him, looking out a window from where he could hear sounds of people walking by, going about their lives. Changmin looks down at the ground before looking back up at Kibum.
"I've told you already, I did this for your safety." Changmin tells him, not looking away from Kibum's eyes as they met his, anger staring into an endless sea of sad knowledge.
"Why? It's not like you know me! Besides, what the hell could these people do, kill me?!" Kibum exclaims, letting his anger out as he stares at Changmin, who just sighed sadly.
"....You'll wish that's what they do if they do find you.... listen Kibum, I'm trying to save you from becoming a-" Changmin cuts himself off, shaking his head in disgust as he stares down at his own hand.
"Never mind. I'll be back with your supper in a bit." Changmin says, getting up and heading to the door.
"Becoming a what?" Kibum asks, making Changmin's hand pause on the door.
"A freak." Changmin says bitterly before leaving the room, the door shutting soundly behind him. Kibum blinks at the door, before slowly picking up his book and attempting to read it again.
Changmin walks down the hallway, turning down the corrider to the left and heading down a set of stairs, the only lights now coming from torches placed on the wall every few feet. He walks down another corrider and ends in a large room, with a couple people in it, some sparring and others doing things that people shouldn't be able to do. And two people doing something that would probably be better to do in a bedroom.
"Sungmin! Kyuhyun! Go get a room!" Changmin shouts, cringing as he sees a third person pull them apart and begins kissing Kyuhyun, Sungmin's head going down and starting to bite the newcomers neck or something to that effect.
"Zhou Mi! Kyuhyun! Sungmin! If you do get out of here or start doing something productive right now, you won't see eachother for a long long time!" a man says, walking past Changmin and the two sparring people towards the threesome, who had stopped and evidently decide to clear out when they see the man coming towards them.
"We're gone, Kangin! No need to get snatchy!" Sungmin says, laughing as he pulls the other two with him, heading past everyone towards the exit. Changmin shakes his head before heading over towards the two people sparring, sitting down near them, but far enough to be safe, and watches them.
One of the guys jumps away from the other and flicks his hand, sending a cart that was about ten feet away from them flying towards his opponent, the other flattening himself to the ground before jumping up and rushing forwards and going to punch the other, only his hand turns into a dagger-like thing, but is somehow still flesh and bone. Changmin turns away from them when he feels someone tap his shoulder, and sees the newest addition to the group, Ryeowook, and another guy, Yesung, standing behind Ryeowook.
"You, me. Talk now." Ryeowook says sternly. Changmin swallows roughly and gets up, following Ryeowook beside Yesung into the corrider.
"Um.... what's up?" Changmin asks Ryeowook as they climbs the stairs. Ryeowook doesn't so much as glance back at them as they turn and start heading down the corrider, Changmin getting nervous as he realises what happened.
"You better have a good reason as to why you're holding him in your room, Changmin." Ryeowook says, opening the door to Changmin's room, stepping inside gracefully, Changmin following behind him obediently, Yesung pausing when he sees Kibum in the chair, who had looked up from his reading when the door opened again.
"Jongwoon hyung! Get in here and shut that door!" Ryeowook says, sitting on the bed. Changmin stands near Kibum, nervously watching Ryeowook and Yesung, who had shut the door and sat beside Ryeowook, not taking his eyes off of Kibum.
"Changmin? Who are they?" Kibum asks, glancing up at Changmin before closing his book and putting it on the end table beside the bed.
"That's Ryeowook and Yesung, and they... um...." Changmin trails off, still looking uncomfortably at the two on the bed.
"Changmin..... why is he here? I understand that you felt the need to protect him, but to bring him here?" Ryeowook says, looking between Changmin and Kibum. Changmin shifts uncomfortably, glancing down at Kibum, who has his arms crossed and looks at Changmin expectantly.
"Ummm..... Well.... I kinda of saw him walking on the street- No Yesung, I was not stalking him!- and I acted on whim and brought him here?" Changmin suggests, not meeting anyone in the room's eyes.
"Why am I here?" Yesung groans, a soft thump occuring as he falls back on the bed.
"Jongwoon, you can't tell anyone he's here. Kangin hyung will have my head if he finds out." Changmin says, Yesung waves his hand lazily in acknowledgement. Ryeowook sighs, glancing back at Kibum before climbing onto Yesung's stomach and leaning down to kiss his lips.
"Hey! I have to sleep there tonight!" Kibum complains loudly, Ryeowook sits back up and looks over his shoulder at Kibum, falling into Yesung's lap when Yesung sat up to look at Kibum as well.
"Changminnie has a boyfriend~" Yesung says in a rather high pitched singsong voice. Changmin glares at him and raises his hand, a bright blue ball appearing in his hand, electric sparks just as bright dancing around inside the ball of electricity.
"Calm down Changmin, you know it won't hurt me, but I can't get rid of it, and I'd rather not destroy part of your room to get rid of it." Yesung says, raising his hands in a peace gesture. Ryeowook sits up straighter and turns his head towards the door, cocking his head to the left as though he was listening to someone talking.
"Not now you two. Kangin hyung is coming. How are you planning on hiding this one from him, Changmin?" Ryeowook says, getting off of Yesung and moving towards the wall.
"You sure he's coming here, Ryeowook?" Changmion says, glancing at the door as if expecting him to burst through there any minute.
"They're very rarely wrong, Changmin. You know that." Ryeowook says, looking at Kibum, who had his eyes closed and looked like he was desperately praying to whatever deity out there for some reason. Probably scared by the electricity that was in Changmin's hand, that was now gone, disappearing as fast as it had come.
"I know.... Fuck, what should I do?" Changmin asks, looking slightly panicked. Yesung sighs, and stands up, grabbing Kibum's wrist and pulling him up.
"HEY! What the hell?!" Kibum shouts as Yesung half pulls and half drags him to the door. Opening the door and looking out, Yesung runs across the hall and opens the door, pushing Kibum in there and shutting the door again.
"... If Kangin finds out I'm helping hide him, I'll kill you personally." Yesung says, heading back into Changmin's room.