Kimin Kidnapped- Chapter 6

Dec 07, 2010 18:12

"What the hell?" Is what comes out of Changmin's mouth when Ryeowook brings Kibum back to his room that night. Ryeowook gives a rather impish grin before leaving the room. Kibum turns and stares at the door after it shuts behind Ryeowook with a thud that sounds of Kibum's impending doom.

"I met some guy named Jaejoong. And he met my hair.... and ran away with some of it." Kibum says, running his hand through the little bit of hair left on his head.

"I see.... It looks good." Changmin says, as Kibum sits on the chair at the opposite side of the room from where Changmin is sitting on the bed.

"Yeah right." Kibum says, picking up the book he was reading from on top of the dresser. He sighs before looking up briefly, shaking his head and starting to read.

"What is it?" Changmin asks, and Kibum glances up at him again.

"You need a computer." Kibum says, and Changmin sighs.

"I know, but it's too risky to have one, or else a lot of us would be on our computers almost all the time, since a fair amount of us are gamers, especially Starcraft. That's an awesome game." Changmin says wistfully, and Kibum nods in agreement before stopping himself and reading again.

“What’s wrong?” Changmin asks, and Kibum shakes his head, wordlessly saying that everything’s fine and Changmin frowns but lets it go. Silence reigns in the room for a few minutes as Kibum reads the book, and Changmin leans back on his bed, watching the kidnapped man.

Abruptly putting the book back on the dresser, Kibum turns to the other man in the room glares.

“Why am I here?” Kibum demands. Changmin looks away briefly before looking back, a forlorn look ghosting his eyes.

“You’re in danger Kibum yah. It’s better that you’re here.... It’ll be harder for them to find you, and to get a hold of you in the event that they manage to find you.” Changmin says softly. Kibum crosses his arms and glowers at Changmin.

“Who would be after me and for what? I’m not..... I’m not like you guys. And besides, where does that get you off for kidnapping me!” Kibum says, nearly pouting. Changmin sighs before shifting and leaning forward, so his head can rest on his hands.

“No, you’re not like us yet. You’re a Potential. You have the promise of some sort of power; yet it lies dormant in you. The government knows that you are a Potential, they want to take you. I’ve known this for over a year now. I.... I can’t let you go through that.” Changmin says, and Kibum stops glowering, seemingly lost for words.

“But.... how would they know that?” Kibum finally asks, curiosity overtaking his anger at the man before him.

“People like us, our powers are passed down the generations. The government tracks that, and they.... take the people that are most likely to express powers in the family.” Changmin says, his eyes focusing distantly now, envisioning something that isn’t there in the present.

“Take? You mean, they just waltz in and take people away?” Kibum asks, and Changmin flinches, refocusing on Kibum.

“... They walk right into your house and take you away from your family.” Changmin says quietly, laying down on his bed and looking up at the ceiling. Kibum starts slightly at the obvious sadness emanating from the man on the bed, before seeming to settle some conflict inside himself, or at the very least put it aside, and gets up slowly, moving towards the bed, and Changmin, before laying down beside the man tentatively.

Changmin’s arm comes up and runs lightly over the side of Kibum’s face, who nearly manages to suppress the flinch, only a ghost of it showing outwards; yet enough that Changmin sighs again.

“How did you know?” Kibum asks, simply to break the reigning silence. Changmin looks at him quizzically for a second before understanding dawns on his face.

“Ryeowook hyung told me about a year ago that the spirits or whatever the hell he communicates with had shown him that there would be someone that is hunted that would become very important to me. I have a brother, and so I started to follow him, wanting to make sure that he stayed safe, that they weren’t after him....after a while I noticed that Jungsu hyung spent a lot of time with the same people, namely you and Nickhun hyung.” Changmin says, and Kibum props himself up with his elbow, look over at Changmin.

“You’re Hyung’s brother?!” Kibum exclaims, and Changmin frowns at the sudden change in volume.

“The one that went missing?”

This time Changmin rolls his eyes. “What other brother does he have?” Flinching into the bed and rubbing his chest when Kibum slaps it, Changmin grins at Kibum. The door opens and Changmin sighs, sitting up and glaring at the man that walks in.

“Donghae, what have I said about knocking?” Changmin asks irritably, and Donghae stands there and raises his eyebrow,

“And what have I told you about manners? I’m your hyung, call me by that.” Donghae says, before looking over at Kibum, grinning.

“Hey Kibummie!”

“His names Kibum! Don’t call him that.” Changmin protests, and Donghae smirks at him.

“Jealous?” Donghae taunts, and jumps into the air, becoming a sparrow as he dodges the fist sized electric ball that Changmin throws at him.

“Why would I be?” Changmin snaps, and Donghae lands, turning back with a grin adorning his face.

“Anyways, Kibummie, come and watch the fight! Hyukkie and I against Yunho and Junsu! It’s going to be awesome!” Donghae exclaims, and Changmin sighs, smirking.

“The fights always are.” Changmin says, getting up and pulling Kibum to his feet, who reluctantly follows Changmin and Donghae out and down the corridor.

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