Title: Hearts Play [Chapter 1]
Pairing(s): GDYB - G-RI - GTOP
Genre: Romance, Drama
Rating: PG
Warning: Engrish, Love between Boys
Summary: Ji Yong loses the love of his life
A/N: My first fanfic! ♥ I had alot of fun writing this, Hope you'll enjoy!
♥ Hearts Play ♥
Here goes .. )
Comments 3
And.. You will know why YoungBae left GD *_*
How could he let me go this easy, after all those 'I want to be with you forever's' this was all I got?
Wow, that's so vivid! Poor Jiyong! I always loved Umma!Bae but he's such a tool i want to scold him for breaking leadah's heart!
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