Woah this song brings back a lot of memories for me. My second trip to Hong Kong, my friends I knew at college at the time of the record, many of whom I am no longer in touch with from that time, Some of the most significant events in my life, two of which was one the last time I saw my paternal grandfather alive and the first time I met Annie.as a young girl, whoa how much has she changed from the time I knew her. It's strange me talking how much she changed from a young girl to a mature adult. Anyway this song
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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0H47VAsP63k Oh before you ask I have no idea what she is singing. :p I can understand cantonese, but unless the words in songs are fairly simple I havn't a clue what is being sung. I'm a melody person not a lyrics person. Don't care much for lyrics, :p