For the first time ever, we're seein' it I-2-I!

May 26, 2007 23:28

I'm posting here, because I've got stuff to say. Get ready!


Prosecutor Kwoiffei.

If she had wings, then her deskslam would go like this:
1. Hands hit desk.
2. Wings slap desk.
3. Points emphatically with hand AND wing.

Hey, she's a shapeshifter. She can make her wings disappear and appear at will.



Gyakuten MECHA.

Assistance with the site would be much appreciated. I have TOO MUCH WORK ARGH.


The Ace Attorney music project.

We need musicians! Particularly, guitarists and DRUMMERS. I'd volunteer to be a drummer, but I'm worried that I'd wind up being the one who tries to fix everything but never gets anything done. >_<

As for what I AM doing? I have my guitar, and I will be doing vocals. I just need a better place to record...


Last but not least...

I've been working on my own mecha project. It's already looking to be quite interesting in a number of ways - and a friend of mine got me to think about the world it takes place in. The result: more diversity amongst the cast.

Let's just say that:
1. In this project, there's a war between two empires. These empires have a number of conquered cultures under their banners - and they have a lot to gain from conquering their opponent.
2. The cultures use the concept of "mecha" in different ways. Some have the traditional use: fully sapient robots/war machines that may or may not have pilots. Some cultures, however, apply it differently - like having a mech that is a HANDHELD SWORD. Or fully sapient armour.

(The latter would be freaky as hell, though. I mean, intelligent clothes...)

Through this friend, the project gained its first... er, I guess the term would be "fan character". What a surprise.

Then again, the protagonist is a rhinoceros.

randomness, kwoiffei has a lot to say, blatent plugs, blatant plugs, advertisements

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