It's crazyyyyy, ...It seems that I did 865 screencaps OMG! (My laptop is dying again XD #blamenishi)
Ahh, I have to do my challenge week drawing today too T.T I'm not motivated today XD But but but, Mum said that my last drawing wasn't that bad 8D (She didn't see the model XD But at least, she said that it looks like a real person lol, I'm happy XD)
Anyway XD!
I'm surprised/shocked that I didn't notice your banner until 2 days ago XD I faiiiiiiil as a LJ friend, gomennn XD I especially like the background *-* The chalk fonts! And the pics, of course XD It looks cool *-*
HEHE,thank you!! The bonus is awesome ^-^ Lol,you should tone down on the number of caps XD But I can understand because I always screencap while watching the live performances too and I'll have this amazing number of pictures in my folder everytime @_@
That's great! I'm definitely looking forward to your masterpiece!! Please be motivated HAHA XDD Your previous works definitely look good! Don't be too hard on yourself ;)
It's okay not to notice the banner!! XD I don't notice others' too sometimes *shot* I'm glad you like it!! YAY <33
I didn't draw Nishi Nishi tonight T-T! I was in the mood to draw Nino Nino XD (Well, actually, I suddenly wanted to draw, but I wasn't at homeeeeeee!! And all I had on me was... two photos of Nino Nino ( ̄ω ̄;) (Don't ask XD I'm creepy XD)
Actually, it's waaaaaay easier to draw Nino Nino ToT Or maybe it's just because I drew him like tons of times already, so I kinda know his lines by heart XD!
But yeah, Nishi Nishi is hard to draw ToT
I feel the same when I tried to draw Ikuta Toma XD
Aha, talking about procrastinating :P Nah, just joking, hehe XD Okay, that's not creepy, I have quite a few photos of my favourite artistes in XD I guess it's alright? LOL. I realized you're always drawing when you're not at home, do you bring a pencil and paper around every time? O_o
Wow you drew so many people 8D The only non-AAA I've ever drawn was Mika Nakashima and it turned out...okay, let's just say it's not very nicely done XDDD
Haha it's because it was planned! huhu I woke up with the suddenly urge to draw something LOL, so I took my pencils, eraser and papers with me o(^-^o)
Ahh, I completely failed my supposed challenge week u.u I didn't drew yesterday~ But yeah, I loveeeeee to draw, because I know that the next drawing will be better than the previous ones O.O
→ I LOL so much at my very first drawings XD!
I feel so ashamed, but so proud at the same time XD I want my drawings to be perfect, one daaaaay ToT At least for Nino Nino LOL
It's crazy how many times I already drew him XD! (I told you that I'm creepy XD)
Nishi Nishi, wait for meeeeeee!!
And let me see your Mika LOL It's rare that I draw girls 8D!
HAHA I sEE! XD I only get that urge when I'm bored though, hehe. I'll be "Hmm...Nothing to do...Hey, maybe I should draw something!" and ta-daa, a new drawing! I like to draw too but they always turn out to be pretty trashy DX It's okay, I can wait, take your time :))
There's no need to feel ashamed since your drawings get better, right? :P For me, I never draw back the same thing again, so I don't know. I hope I'll be able to perfect my drawings one day, too ^-^
OMG are you serious? I-I- Alright then X) I need to dig that out, I forgot where I placed it XDD
Ohhh, yes yes of course, you can save my screens XD!
Ah but I resized them, in order to not spam your blog XD!
Here are the HQ big screencaps I did *O*
It's crazyyyyy, ...It seems that I did 865 screencaps OMG!
(My laptop is dying again XD #blamenishi)
Ahh, I have to do my challenge week drawing today too T.T
I'm not motivated today XD
But but but, Mum said that my last drawing wasn't that bad 8D
(She didn't see the model XD But at least, she said that
it looks like a real person lol, I'm happy XD)
Anyway XD!
I'm surprised/shocked that I didn't notice your banner until 2 days ago XD
I faiiiiiiil as a LJ friend, gomennn XD
I especially like the background *-*
The chalk fonts! And the pics, of course XD
It looks cool *-*
That's great! I'm definitely looking forward to your masterpiece!! Please be motivated HAHA XDD
Your previous works definitely look good! Don't be too hard on yourself ;)
It's okay not to notice the banner!! XD I don't notice others' too sometimes *shot*
I'm glad you like it!! YAY <33
Haha thank you ( ̄∀ ̄)!
I didn't draw Nishi Nishi tonight T-T!
I was in the mood to draw Nino Nino XD
(Well, actually, I suddenly wanted to draw,
but I wasn't at homeeeeeee!! And all I had on me was...
two photos of Nino Nino ( ̄ω ̄;) (Don't ask XD I'm creepy XD)
Actually, it's waaaaaay easier to draw Nino Nino ToT
Or maybe it's just because I drew him like tons of times
already, so I kinda know his lines by heart XD!
But yeah, Nishi Nishi is hard to draw ToT
I feel the same when I tried to draw Ikuta Toma XD
Aha, talking about procrastinating :P Nah, just joking, hehe XD Okay, that's not creepy, I have quite a few photos of my favourite artistes in XD I guess it's alright? LOL. I realized you're always drawing when you're not at home, do you bring a pencil and paper around every time? O_o
Wow you drew so many people 8D
The only non-AAA I've ever drawn was Mika Nakashima and it turned out...okay, let's just say it's not very nicely done XDDD
Haha it's because it was planned! huhu
I woke up with the suddenly urge to draw something LOL,
so I took my pencils, eraser and papers with me o(^-^o)
Ahh, I completely failed my supposed challenge week u.u
I didn't drew yesterday~ But yeah, I loveeeeee to draw,
because I know that the next drawing will be better than the previous ones O.O
→ I LOL so much at my very first drawings XD!
I feel so ashamed, but so proud at the same time XD
I want my drawings to be perfect, one daaaaay ToT
At least for Nino Nino LOL
It's crazy how many times I already drew him XD!
(I told you that I'm creepy XD)
Nishi Nishi, wait for meeeeeee!!
And let me see your Mika LOL
It's rare that I draw girls 8D!
There's no need to feel ashamed since your drawings get better, right? :P For me, I never draw back the same thing again, so I don't know. I hope I'll be able to perfect my drawings one day, too ^-^
OMG are you serious? I-I- Alright then X) I need to dig that out, I forgot where I placed it XDD
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