Fandom Drabble Meme: Revisited

Oct 28, 2005 20:10

In this entry, I will be unabashedly silly and post the first of the requests from the earlier meme.

This is for soundscrit, and is the tale of an epic battle between Zeigfried and Master Pug. I just wrote it just this minute.

...Or something. It's FFVI, it's not mine, etc.


" like a ninja." Zeigfried congratulated himself as he stepped through the dark, damp cave, moving his feet carefully and gracefully as his off-gold armor clanked its battle-cry toward all whom might oppose him.

For the record, the cave in question was, as far as he knew, quite empty.

"This is going to be the best heist ever. I can't believe my brilliance." He kept walking, coughing, once, at the smoke from his torch blown into his face. Walking, one proud step at at time until--he tripped. The torch tumbled out of his hand, rolling onto the ground as he occupied himself with a manly cry of, "OWIE," until dusting himself off and taking the time to look at what he'd tripped on.

It was a small being, wrapped in a cloak and carrying a lantern of its own.

"...How dare you! You...Aw, well, you are a little cute, aren't you?" Zeigfried crouched down to smile at the little thing, his sword rattling in its sheath. "So cute. I think I ought to just take you with me, shouldn't I? Shouldn't I?"




I warned you. There was no seriousness in that. I should probably apologize to Zeigfried.

fic, ffvi

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