May 30, 2006 16:28
Dear Musashi,
In which kwishin learns that just because she feels healthy enough to eat a chili dog, a bag of chips, a cookie, and a Hansens soda, does NOT necessarily mean that she actually is.
Seriously. Ha ha, I threw up in the sink, and then the trash can, and then I was like, "oh hey, maybe I should go to a toilet" so I went to a toilet, revisted my ENTIRE chili dog, thought that was exceedingly gross and threw up some more, then left the bathroom thinking, "Man, this sucks. Now I'm hungry again."
I mean. Totally. That was a waste of 6.61$. What is the point of eating if it just comes back up I tell you? How sad for me.
But seriously. WHO GETS SICK IN SPRING? Damn my immune system.