Feb 28, 2004 21:53
I found myself wondering the streets of Sydney after work. Just aimless wondering as the sun set on a beautiful day. It's a form of meditation i guess.But unlike meditation my thoughts turned to the matter at hand, that of Kylie. What to make of her and her intentions (if there are any). I met her for the 3rd time on thursday night. The first was a great disapointment to me as i thought that there might have been the beginning of something. As it was she only wanted some affection for the night, from someone she thought was cute. The Second time i had a little in the way of revenge, by letting on that i knew her, though she couldn't place who i was or how i knew. I came away from that encounter with a little smile.
This time however was diferent (isn't it always?)
The affection was returned this time and she wanted my number... amazing what a difference a year makes.