She will rue this day!

May 31, 2003 21:19

Get Azkaban on the phone, Headmaster. Kevin Whitby is going to murder Natalie MacDonald!

Whooptee-do! My team won the egg toss. I can’t understand why someone would want to toss an egg, but it was a game… I think.

I thought I was going to have a good day. Really, I did! Penelope left me a message asking me to escort her to the lake before Field Day, complete with a picnic lunch. So, I rushed and changed into my black leather robe that I got and pocket my sunglasses, and went over to pick her up to go down to the lake, all while my heart raced… because I was hurrying… that’s all. We didn’t say much on the way, well I didn’t. During lunch I just stammered and the talk mainly revolved around the weather and what we thought the giant squid did during the winter. (We both agreed it probably read a lot.) It was probably the greatest hour in my life! Penny (she told me to call her Penny!) had to go back in and I offered to take her, but she just chuckled and told me she could find her own way in. I think she like my robes.

After the “fun” of Field Day, I was heading into the castle to finish my homework and other stuff when I felt a small pat or kick on my bum. I quickly drew my wand and spun around in a dueling stance, and immediately dropped the willow wand. Professor Black. I couldn’t speak; I couldn’t do anything but stare at the grin he had on his face. “Just playing along,” he said and told me what the joke on my back. “Kick me, I’m a dork!” was dancing around on a marquee on the back of my BRAND NEW robes. There is only one person who would do that, isn’t there Natalie. When did you do it? You will pay for it, so don’t worry.

Another kick. Lisa Turpin. I just stood there and shot a nasty look at her as she passed. Just as I had reached the door I felt another kick. I turned around spouting off any and all negative word I could think of, but was horrified to see the boot belonged to none other than Professor Snape, with Professor MacGonagall behind him with a look of amusement on her face. I didn’t even apologize. I ran off to my room in tears.

Natalie, I will murder you.
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