Jun 29, 2008 04:30
Hello! I'm intoxicated. Not good though, I've been trying to seriously cut down and was extremely successful up until this week...this is my third night this week drunk. Not bad at all by normal standards but considering I was down to once a month or so at times over the last few months it's...not good. Last night was exhibition opening, tonight was...well, last night out with my main Galway group of friends so both were kinda...necessary. Though it's wrong that it feels necessary, it shouldn't. But as of yet, I still feel with that crowd I need to be drunk to have a really good time, mainly because everyone else there is drunk, whereas with our new group of friends there's always at least one sober person (You know, 'cus one of them doesn't drink :p ) so it's...easier to stay sober!
Anyway, I'm not updating with news, this is time for a quiz!
Do you eat a lot of fast food?
I guess so, it tends to be just burgers though, which are relatively good if you're fairly...heavy in a good way, as I am..
How many people have you kissed in 2008?
Umm...2. I think...
Were you happy when you woke up today?
No. People are always waking me up. I can't remember the last time I woke up of my own accord. It's ridiculous. I'm not even that popular. One day was crazy, I was woken up by Finbar at 9am, then the exhibition organiser at 10am, then Finbar AGAIN at 11.30am, then a one of our new friends at 1.30pm. The last was the only acceptable one as she was in a crisis and is very cool thus is allowed wake me up as she couldn't possibly know how bad I am at waking up...though I'm sure my greeting of "..What?!" Indicated such.
How about now?
I'm kind of sad I guess. Gonna miss my current friends as well as aforementioned new friends an awful lot when I'm on my travels. Not to mention I might be moving to Atlanta after my travels so...I'll miss them...lots...I'm also sort of disappointed I never really tried with that girl, I do quite like her but she's too cool to lose as a friend and I don't think I'd have a chance anyway...not to mention I'm leaving in a few days. Still though, the whole "What if?" thing will always be present when you decide not to do something..
Have you ever streaked?
I've gotten naked in front of my friends many times, it's very strange - I'd be far more self conscious about my back than my crotch region, so while everyone else faces away when changing I'd rather face towards them. It's also funnier that way.
Are you an understanding person?
Ah I'd like to think so. I'm no psychiatrist or anything but I do try to actually listen to people when they're telling me bad things to do with them rather than listening for a link so that I can tell my own vaguely relevant story LIKE EVERYONE DOES...I dunno, sorta annoys me I guess, like if someone trusts you enough to tell you something that's close to them I think you owe it to them to listen without thinking about yourself at all..
What was the last movie you saw in theaters?
Some random cartoon movie I went to with a girl in like February. No idea what it was called even. Even at 18 and apparently quite good looking I still seem to use the cinema as an excuse to kiss a girl I like. A pointlessly expensive excuse.
What did you last get upset about?
My prints for the exhibition not arriving on time (EXPRESS POST SHOULD NOT TAKE OVER FOUR DAYS) and me having to pay 80 euro for 3 *matte* prints to hang instead. While cutting out the foam board with an hour and a half before the exhibition was due to open I was pretty upset :) and I'm a pretty damn happy person in general..but like, I hung 20 minutes before it opened (which was actually good, got me a mention in all the speeches.."this is not art that's been in a dusty attic for years, this is fresh, one artist hung his things up a few minutes ago!"), and with the cost now adding up to 180 euro, taking the 25% commission into account I need to sell at least 2 of the prints to break even. It's not about the money, but I'm not rich!
Do you eat candy on a daily basis?
Nope, I love chocolate but I...try to avoid it :)
Does it make you happy to get letters?
I guess...haven't gotten any personal letters in an extremely long time apart from one at christmas...
Who was the last person to text you?
Neil.."We are out dominatin in a seirous way!"...gotta love Neil!
What are you looking forward to this summer?
Going away on Tuesday! Not having to worry about all my silly life problems that aren't even problems but that I make problems in my silly little head...
Who was the last person you ate with?
Apart from my family every day? Girl that woke me up in above question. Though I wasn't eating, she bought me an Oreo malt to say thanks for driving her out, that was nice :)
Do raisins belong in cookies?
Of course, they belong everywhere.
What's your screen name?
My screen name..I would have said quetzal without thinking a year ago...now I guess I'd just go with my msn as that's all I use (albeit rarely) nowadays, that'd be "David"
Walking into a party, what's the first thing you notice?
The music playing. Or absence of..
Are you currently taking a science class in school?
I'm not in school, I hope to make it back someday.
Kiss on the first date?
I'd be a little offended if I didn't get one to be honest..
Would you rather have chicken or steak?
Steak if it's cooked properly (that being Medium-rare, or medium if I don't trust the cook)
What's one thing you've learned from a good friendship gone bad?
Ah jaysus..I guess not to sort of...devote your life to anyone. Like it's fine to get close to someone, but you can't just focus on them fully. Don't forget your other friends, that person mightn't be there forever...actually, strangely enough I met my childhood best friend out tonight. Hadn't seen him in about...5 years? He grabbed me and said "DO YOU REMEMBER ME?!"...I'm impressed with myself that I managed to get it first time, he looks different.
Who was the last person you took a picture of?
That'd be..Finbar I think.
Would you ever donate blood?
Would love to, I'm not allowed though - I'm just too damn scottish.
How many snack machines are in your school?
I don't have a school..there were 3 in my school, though...
Have you ever felt replaced?
Most definitely.
Are there deerheads covering any walls in your house?
Not that I know of..
Have you ever been asked out?
On a date yes, never as in boyfriend and girlfriend.
Are you good at telling jokes?
I'm awesome at telling bad jokes.
Have you ever driven without a license?
I drove on a first provisional license (technically illegal, they just very rarely enforce it) for 6 months until I passed my test. But I did have lessons before I hit the road and I only got 2 more just before my test, so I think I was safe to drive on it, I just didn't have proof.
Do you wish you had smaller feet?
No, size 10 is about average I think. Wouldn't mind 11, 12 just becomes hard to get sizes.
Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?
When ordering sushi, what do you get?
Dunno, I've only ever had it once and it was quite nice, no idea what I was eating though so...something random I guess..
Do you write in cursive or in print?
Cursive for myself, print if others have to read it (mainly in restaurant...though I don't work there as of last thursday! Woo! Though I very much liked working there...just...work is never going to be as good as not-work!)
Who was the last person you sat next to?
Nicola, talking to her about a girl who likes me but who I shant go for as I'm leaving and one of my best friends likes her and most certainly has a chance methinks.
What were you doing at 10 am?
Are you different now than you were six months ago?
Yeah...somewhat in good ways, somewhat in bad. Six months ago I was alot more cocky and assuming that I could get any girl I wanted. And it completely worked. Now I'm more...reflective I guess. Not as good for girls but it's more me, I think..
What was the last beverage you spilled on yourself?
Beer, twas knocked though.
How old will you be in 10 months?
Nineteen, almost twenty!
Do you think you'll be married by then?
Seems unlikely, me being single and all :)
Was yesterday better than today?
...yes, actually. Yesterday was extremely stressful but I got to hang out with my new friend who I really like (yes in that way also, but she's still a really cool person to be friends with) and...be in an exhibition! Definitely alot more exciting than today :)
What does your last text message say?
I already said that...let's go to the last interesting one. "Shut up.", from Joe. He's a good friend.
What month is your birthday in?
July! Bastille day...un croissant...deux croissant! No! Trois! Croissant.
Can you live a day without tv?
I live most days without tv.
When was the last time you saw your dad?
When he dropped me into town tonight.
How many pets do you have?
None really, sort of mind the neighbour's dog most of the time but he's not technically ours..we just feed and parent him :)
How many houses have you lived in?
Umm...8? Maybe 9..not sure..
How many city/towns have you lived in?
Two or three, depending on whether you count Johnshaven as separate from Aberdeen city..
Do you prefer shoes, socks, or bare feet?
Socks methinks..
I guess, only one girl could possible have me right now though, and even then probably not, going out with a girl two days before I leave for two months would be a bit ridiculous..
Do you like anyone?
One or two. As in I was talking to a girl I vaguely know alot tonight, she's very good looking and really cool. Didn't even consider it until she was gone but I guess I could potentially like her, were I not leaving in two days.
What is your favorite colour?
No idea. I like lots of colours :) Perhaps some sort of red. You know, just to be different. Everyone always picks blue or turquoise..
What are you doing for your next birthday?
I'll be on the road somewhere...so probably just a few casual drinks, or you know, getting fucked.
Do you like coffee?
I like cappucinos when I made them myself. I make awesome cappucinos.
Do you like iced tea?
Is nice.
What are you listening to?
In general, Manchester Orchestra, right now nothing though...should just be asleep..
Do you sleep on a certain side of the bed?
Yup, I have a giant kingsize bed but I sleep on the same little area each night, smaller than a single bed would be but I still feel trapped in those...guess it's the option of moving that helps..
If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?
I'd like to be able to act myself around girls I like. I only realized that I don't a few weeks ago, as I hadn't *really* liked a girl in years before then...it's the most annoying thing though. I'd like to think I have a good personality, certainly a pro in the "Do you like David?" game, but it just doesn't come across at all when I like girls, I get shy and never know what to say. as the famous David Owens song said, "I'm not a shy person anymore...I'm not a shy David anymore - but who am I, when it's you?"
Do you know how to play poker?
I'm a pretty damn good poker player if I may say so myself. I can consistently beat up to a certain level online, I just can't manage my bankroll at all so end up playing way above my level in a bid to win huge unti I have no money and have to build it up again...or rather I used to, I just don't play anymore at all.
What are you thinking about right now?
Sleeping, I'm wrecked man..
Any plans for next weekend?
Graffiti festival in...Wroclaw? Somewhere in Poland.
What were you doing at 12 last night?
I was out dancing in Cuba!
Do you smile a lot?
I smile 95% of the time. My nickname is "smiley" to some people. While it's not a great nickname, it was a nickname I had years ago when I was always smiling...so I guess it's nice that leaving school and travelling as...brought back that aspect of always being happy :)
Why did you last cry?
Because I had just decided to stop talking to my ex girlfriend/best friend. Felt pretty horrible at the time, but looking back I think it was probably the right decision, worked out for the best for both of us I think..
Have you ever had a life-threatening injury?
Possibly, I'm not sure if one injury I had to be operated on for was life threatening or not. Don't think so..
What do you want to be when you grow up?
I don't want to grow up.
Do you like flying or driving?
I like driving, I'm sure I'd prefer flying if I could fly though.
What is your favorite thing to spend money on?
Drugs and hookers. Umm..traveling I guess so...plane tickets!
Do you wear any jewelry daily?
Yes, I wear my necklace every day. Some girls were admiring it tonight actually, that was strange..
Who got you the jewelry you are currently wearing?
Aforementioned ex girlfriend!
Who is the funniest person you know?
Finbar's pretty funny. Dunno if he's the funniest though, I'm just around him most so we experience eachother's humour alot..
How often do you remember your dreams?
Not that often, maybe once a week or so.
What is your ringtone?
A boogie shuffle thingy, it's quite cool.
Skim, 1%, 2%, or whole milk?
Whole, tastes nicest and I'm a fatty.
Are you mad about anything?
A few things, but sure fuckit, life goes on :)
What time did you go to sleep last night?
5. Earlier than tonight.
Where did you last sleep besides your own bed?
The couch in the lad's apartment. I'm so cool.
That so wasn't worth staying up til 5.30am to do...
Oh well!