(no subject)

May 28, 2008 04:37

Hello! I'm going to try and post something vaguely newslike so that it doesn't look like I'm just posting a quiz.

Umm..when did I last post..Friday night..
On Saturday I...brought my granny to town (aren't I good) then I worked for 5.5 hours straight running around waiting in the restaurant (this isn't complaining, you'll see the relevance in a second, it was a fun 5.5 hours), followed by dancing for about 2 hours straight in Cuba. At about 2:10, as the band played their second last song, BOOM. My right knee was in lots of pain and I had to stop dancing. It stopped being so painful after that so I thought it was just sprained or something, then on the beach later (I was dropping people home and the first person lives beside the beach...why not) I noticed there was a big lump on that knee that wasn't on the other. So consulting my mother the next morning (she's a nurse) she told me I'd need to go to casualty. Now I'm very afraid of that place, so I chose to risk my knee and wait to see the doctor on Monday morning. Which I did. And I didn't need to go to casualty, so that's awesome. I'm just meant to rest it and am on drugs for a week.

Last night I went out. Now that sounds bad with my knee and all. But I've had a pretty hectic year, I'm simply not used to sitting around all day, which I did on Sunday/Monday. I got really really really bored. And then I heard my friends were going to the beach spot place for drinking and I couldn't resist (I can't drink on the drugs, but I've learned to be around drunk people and have fun). So inevitably climbing over rocks and walking over a stony beach has made my knee worse. But it was an awesome night. Lots of cool guys and gals and most of them very drunk. And we were singing christmas carols at one point! Best Summer celebration ever.

And now it's today. Only thing that happened today was I went into work at 7 as I do each week because I work every night the restaurant is open and the roster is never up on Saturday night (they only open for lunch on sunday/monday so everyone else looks at it then), to find out I wasn't working tonight. Which is bad. Further investigation and me asking the manager revealed that all our hours have been cut as the restaurant hasn't picked up enough (Summer boom and all that) to warrant 3 waiters on the quiet nights. It was either that or drop one of us apparently. I dunno which I prefer. On one hand it wouldn't have been me dropped (I'm generally the highest tipped waiter there at the moment as far as I know) and I REALLY need the money for traveling. On the other they're all really nice people and it'd suck for someone's Summer to be fucked up, when I'm quiting in 4 weeks anyway, they just don't know it yet. So yeah, while I was perfectly on track to just meet my travelbudget it's now gonna require some thinking.

And now for the real point of this entry.

1. Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4.
"She turned and walked away, her black cape fanning out behind her like a pair of ebony wings." Ok that was the 5th line, but the 4th line was pointless. That'd be from "Red Tide" by G.M Ford, the book I'm reading at the moment, he's quite good, though if you're gonna get one definitely get his famous one, "No Man's Land" as that's pretty awesome.

2. Stretch your left arm out as far as you can.
Umm..lots of empty lynx cans blocking the way. If I go more left it's a plate and my guitar (both lying happily on my bed). Have I rambled about my new guitar here? It's a pretty awesome guitar. Got it a few months ago, an Ibanez EW20 Jumbo. Mmm.

3. What is the last thing you watched on TV?
Jools Holland Live after work on Friday night. Love it when I manage to catch that show. Though that was the last in the series and you can never get them online. Which is a pity. Definitely the best music show on tv by a million miles. I was watching Greek earlier (american series about a guy joining a fraternity, pretty good), but it was on the internet so doesn't really count..

4. Without looking, guess what time it is:
Ah jaysus, about 4.45?

5. Now look at the clock. What is the actual time?
4:56. I know I've always been a night owl, but sometimes I do wish I wasn't.

6. With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?
Birds singing outside. I do love dawn. Possibly even more than most people, I had an obsession with it for a while wherein I'd try and go watch it as much as I could, and I have lots of nice memories of dawn, from when I started photography with Finbar to shooting at dawn with Stephanie to walking home at dawn after great nights out this year.

7. When did you last step outside? What were you doing?
I went into work at around 7. Then came home as I wasn't working.

8. Before you started this survey, what did you look at?
Umm..I was eating a pizza and talking to Finbar on msn.

9. What are you wearing?
Baby blue hoody (finally got it back last week, I loaned it to a girl on the night of my debs...8 months ago?), black/grey sweatpants (yeah it's jockish, yeah they're ridiculously comfy). Some kind of t-shirt I'd imagine. Umm...my necklace and glasses I guess..

10. Did you dream last night?
Yes, had a very strange dream last night. I think I must have been reading LJ before I slept last night too, as it involved people who's journals I read and thus will probably be reading this so I shouldn't detail!

11. When did you last laugh?
Out loud? Probably earlier when I went into my grannies to find my grandfather chatting to our blocklayer. He's been specifically told not to interrupt the various builders as the house is so very nearly finished (blocklayer being for outside wall, not for the house :p ) as he holds them up with his chat. Caught him in the act I did.

12. What is on the walls of the room you are in?
Nothing at all really, rented house..there's various guitars resting on the wall but that's about it..

13. Seen anything weird lately?
Have to make my life sound interesting here..umm..I came home today to find a dog blocking my driveway. Not the neighbour's dog who is always there, some other dog. Who promptly ran away when I got out of the car. Then I remembered it was my uncle's dog, but my uncle wasn't in my house...very strange. Wonder where she ran off to.

14. What do you think of this quiz?
I've nothing to compare it to really. I'm probably not getting the full quiz experience it being 5am and all..

15. What is the last film you saw?
Harold And Kumar 2. It was awfully funny. Dunno if it was better than the first, but definitely close.

16. If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?
One MILLION Dollars.
I dunno, lots of plane tickets. A lovely car..a record label. That kind of thing.

17. Tell me something about you that I don't know:
What you know would depend on how well you know me..let me think...I really dislike my back. I mean I have a fairly nice body and all, but I just can't stand my back. Chest hair I can deal with, but while I barely have any back hair at all, I do hate it muchly. And moles. Two or three at last count. Eww. It's strange because I quite like being topless and do it quite freely (..I had my t-shirt pulled off me by several fairly hot girls outside a nightclub in Limerick last week..that was kinda cool actually), but when I am topless I try to...be facing everyone, so that none need see my back. That's something anyway. Don't think anyone who reads this would know that.

18. If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do?
Regardless of guilt or politics? I dunno...people should just be...nicer I guess. And more honest. The lisbon treaty is really annoying me at the moment, I try to inform myself but both sides are so full of misinformation and completely biased interpretation. I mean I've yet to find a guide to what the treaty even is that wasn't biased. Even the Sunday times one seemed leaning towards No. Or was it Yes, I can't remember. It's either "The treaty will help europe run better and be lovely and make us all happy" or "The treaty will take away all our rights, we don't owe europe anything". That's one thing that really bothers me that I've heard lots from lots of people. "We don't actually owe europe anything, we've paid it all back" What? Of course we owe Europe. How on earth did we pay them back? Because we got a great economy. Because of the EU. We wouldn't have been in any position to pay them back had we not been helped in the first place, not to mention having paid them back we're still in a much better condition than we were prior. We owe the EU a tonne. I'm not saying to vote Yes, I don't know what I'm voting yet, leaning towards Yes but by no means certain. But that argument is silly.

19. Do you like to dance?
I do! I'm not a very good dancer. Though some people think I am which is nice. When I feel I'm being watched I tend to lean towards half breakdancy gangsterly moves that people might think are cool and hip, but if I'm not-caring (90% of the time), I tend to fly around like a lunatic looking like I'm a deranged drunk on E. Because that's how one should dance. You always see phrases on bebo "Dance like no-one is watching" but...no-one ever does. Except for me, cus I'm awesome. End of the day the only "point" to dancing apart from having fun is to get the opposite sex, so unless you're worried about embarrassing your partner, or trying to get a partner, I see no point in trying to look good when dancing whatsoever :)

20. George Bush :
Is just a guy born into the wrong family. I strongly doubt he'd be in politics if it weren't for his father, and honestly, if he were from a different family but being the same person (ie no old cronies telling him how to run the country), I think he'd probably be a good person. Go Obama though, and all that.

21. Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her?
I dunno. Irishy names are nice for girls, Áine and Sláine and Sandra and stuff. Girls named Kim always seem to be hot though. While it's weird being her father, you have to want the best for your kids. So probably Kim.

22. Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him?
I dunno. Not David. Something fairly unique, but not too unique. One of my better friends is named Ceol and doesn't like it. Also doesn't play any music at all.

23. Would you ever consider living abroad?
Hell yeah, I'd like to end up in America someday. Only thing putting me off is all the nice family/friends here. If I could move them over I'd go right now.

24. What do you want God to say to you when you reach the pearly gates?
Haha, you were wrong. But you're awesome so come in anyway.

25. people who must also do this meme in THEIR journal :
Given that most people on my LJ have done this I'm not sure there's any point. I'm gonna say Áine though, as I spent ages reading her lj earlier (a year out of school has made complicated sentences more difficult to read.) so this is payback. Dunno how that works though, am I meant to punish her in some way if she doesn't do it? Must is a very strong word like. "Are encouraged to" Is better. I should just change it, but I'm guessing the questions in these are sacred or something.

5.30am why why why

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