As I started doing this, I realised it really has been a long time since I've properly LJ-ed. I had to click the 'Rich text' tab on the posting entry page because I can't remember how to do an lj-cut. *ashamed*
Never read the comics. Did know of the mixed reviews and the CGI blue dicks.
The Good Stuff: It didn't feel like a 3-hr movie so that meant it managed to keep me engaged. Rocking soundtrack. Exciting visuals. The Owl guy has a nice ass. Jeffrey Dean Morgan.
However, I can't explain why I didn't feel satisfied. I didn't hate it. Just wouldn't pay to see it again. The only guys I truly enjoyed were Rorschach and the Owl guy.
Staying true to typecasting, Jeffrey Dean Morgan croaked. I'm waiting for the fanvid of his deaths set to kickass music.