
Jul 17, 2006 07:53

I love it, when I think that I have the openining shift at work, but really I start two hours later. Thats two whole hours of sleep I didn't think I'd get last night when I went to bed at 1 am. Ahhhh... great way to start the day!

Hmmm. Where to start.

So Seann came up last week. It was sooooo lovely to get to spend lots of time with him. He's one of those people where there is no such thing as an "awkward silence", and just knowing he's right there keeps a smile on my face, no matter what we're doing. Its been a long time that I've been able to find someone like that. I think its also great that we share a passion for music. We spent hours and hours playing this past few days, and it never gets old.

The gig down in McMinnville went rather well. During one of our first few songs, some guy came up and started talking to us practically in the middle of a song. He's like, "Yo.. I'm so-an-so (don't remember his name). I've performed here before. I'm a Christian rapper!" and we're like "okay cool..." So then he starts to rap to not one, but two of the following songs. I'm trying my hardest not to crack up, and its not helping to see Seann's family over there laughing as well. Somehow I held it together, and then started crying with laughter afterwards at the table with Jerry and Brian. "Terrepileptic" is by far one of my most favorite words now. :-P

My dad and little brother have been out of town since Thursday night. They're in NJ visitng family and such, so its just been my mom and I. I was afraid that she was going to be psycho and freak out like she was doing before my dad left, but its actually been quite pleasent. My dad, on the other hand, is a wreck. He didn't want to go there in the first place (its his mom's 75th birthday so he got a guilt trip) and he's not even trying to make the best of it. My dad is weird like that. He always has a very pessimistic view on things, which means its really hard for him to enjoy himself. Needless to say, I'm just ready for them to come back so that my household can get back to normal.

Other than that, things are quite well up here in the Couve. Almost ready to go back to school, though. Almost.

<3 Jeneva
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