May 30, 2006 11:46
Was indeed fantastic. I saw 5 fantastic bands on Saturday and rocked out and saw Beck on sunday, an amazing amazing time. There was a huge hailstorm saturday for like an hour and patrick and i hung out in a honey bucket reading magazines for the last 20 minutes of it. Memories.
After horrible events that happend a week ago I finally talked to adelle this morning. Shes been assuming, like i assumed she would, that everything was cool and whatnot between us. So she comes over to talk with a spliff (of course) and i we go outside and smoke and barely talk. She asks where im at, whats goin on, whateva whateva whateva, and I basically reiterate what i wrote in the message i sent her and let her know that thats why i have been and will be continuing to distance myself from her. I said im here if she has noone else to talk to but honestly, i dont trust people who will do anything for attention. I've been fucked over by a similiar person in a similiar situation and, although I feel like a selfish asshole, i refuse to put myself in that situation. And she said "gee wiz, are you mad?" and i just said im letting her know where im at, where i stand, and how i feel. I told her im worried about her, that shes making bad decisions that are no longer only affecting her, and I just dont want to be part of that.
She kinda just walked away slowly with a confused smile on her mouth, turning to look back at me every few steps and then saying "see ya around" and walking into her house.
God i hate fucking dealing with this shit. I've clearly grown up and realized the possibilities that can happen when dealing with crazy people, but its still shitty. We used to be able to hang out just fine and have actual conversations, and now shes a fucking incoherent space cadet.
Hmm, life goes on I suppose.