Jun 02, 2005 22:07
Interesting. I found out I'm going to Puerto Rico in 2 WEEKS!!!!!!!!! OMG thats a long time! What am i going to do until then? I'm going to be there for 6 whole weeks. I think I'll get really homesick and get frustrated at my nieces, nephews, AND BROTHER. Being it's his house and he payed for half of my ticket, I'm going to be polite. LOL!!! This LiveJournal thing is awesome. I can't wait to go! i can work on Spanish! And the parties are great! So exciting! I don't have a journal in real life, so this is an excellent way of writing how you feel, and be creative at the same time. IF THERES ANYONE OUT THERE, PLEASE GIVE ME IDEAD ON HOW TO MAKE THIS MORE CREATIVE, PLEASE!!!!!!! I'M BEGGING NOW ON MY KNEES, PLEASE!!!!!!! This is way too drab. TOmorrow I get to go to the mall with my freinds since I finished all of my weekly chores. I'm so excited, I need at least one LIGHT outfit for Puerto Rico, it's way too hot.
Everyday of my LJ there will be a Proud Moment for me. Something I accomplished that I am soo proud of! Today I cleaned my kitchen floor soo good! I'm so proud of myself! I got on my knees and scrubbed the hell out of it. It wasn't sticky anymore and my mom was like, "OMG its sooo clean!" LOL! I learned that cleaning is an excellent way to route anger, or any other uncalm feelings/emotions.
Question of the Day: Who thinks I wil lbe a good psychiatrist?
Well, thats really all that happened today so.. I'll write tomorrow!
God Loves All,
Kwame Salami