If YOU think YOU know better, then, YOU should DO something about it!

Jul 06, 2009 09:34

Fucking pissed off... Some people just think that they know better... Hello! Is my car meant to ferry things like that all the bloody time? Dont be so selfish and think only of yourself. So what if I have the car, I have to be bloody responsible all the time? What about Uncle? He who always provides the FOC water, the encouragement, the FOC food? All this no appreciation is it..

Then, what the fuck is all this fucking questioning? Do you even question your former coaches? Look, i have already explained numerous times! If it does not get into your bloody head, then, you should self-evaulatate.. See from different angles can? Everyone already bloody grown up lo... Still have to spoon-feed?

Fucking angry angry angry... :(

Super UNDER-Appreciated!!!!
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