Another day, another entry

Apr 06, 2004 19:17

Well... Not much has happened recently. But I did find a poem on a website...
That Thing… Suicide

I’ve got something to say

About a sight I heard today

Left over soup spilled over him

A solitary man committed serious sin

It seems he had enough today

Of what this world did portray

Sitting at the dinner table

The man did make a bloody label

Upon his wrists he did mark

His discomfort with his spark

So on this day his life did end

Never more would he spend...

A day in the park watching birds

A moment in life spilling forth words

An instants touch in passing by

This makes me wonder seriously, why?

This man will miss his first-born’s smile

He’ll never see the hundredth mile

A woman’s love will be amiss

Never to feel her tender kiss

His friendship lost to eternity

Maybe he could have befriended me

The joys of music fall on the dead

Sounds of a child’s laughter put to bed

The taste of a meal never more

The sun’s radiating glow on his pore

A cool shower in the spring

The glorious weight of a wedding ring

When on this awful morning gray

This man cut deep and now he pays

Whether spirit now or of the flesh

He has lost all rights to life so fresh

So I say, when you are down

Don’t take the cowards way from town

Stand strong and steadfast in spite

And show those idiots some might

‘Cause if you choose that flight

Then I’ll thank you for making it right

You see, a world without one more whiner

Might be better off without a the primer

I am through with this my soapbox preaching

And have come to an answer while soul-searching

I’ve decided that if you do the deed

Then fine, it shouldn’t make me bleed

Callous and disdainful as it sounds

A cheerful laugh does resound

I pleaded and begged and then realized

Who needs a deserter in a hunt for the prized?

Not I you see, because I choose

To surround myself with those who never lose.

I made my choice and now I stand

A stronger, better, happier man.

I just have one thing to say about that... Suicide is a permanent solution to a temparary problem. But anyways, I'm not gonna say any things too specific. I said some things, then someone else soaid something like it and got all hyped up about it. (No, its not u Sam... With the thing about Scott)
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