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madybooks and
tenze Please tell us 20 random things about yourselves. Keep track of how many minutes you take, and tag that many people to perform this exercise themselves.
1. My ears are very soft and i love to touch them, fold them, and play with them when i am bored.
2. When i need advice i turn to my dad first.
3. I hated my french teacher in high school.
4. I suffer from migraine fits regularly but it's getting better.
5. My biggest dream as a teenager was to see Tina Turner live and it came true when i was 17.
6. My favorite numbers are 24 and 79.
7. My lj name kvetina means flower in Czech.
8. I somehow do not like vampires but i am fascinated when i read something about them or watch a movie each time...
9. The first books i read were the kids from bullerby by Astrid Lindgren.
10. I started studying when i was almost 21.
11. I watch very little tv - but i love to watch DVDs in the original language (providing that i understand it...)
12. I can touch my nose with my tongue. --> i can do that too, mady!!!
13. I have taken bellydance lessons for 1 year by now.
14. My first pets were a guinea pig and a goose when i was 6.
15. I can talk to geese :)
16. I did artistic gymnastics(?) when i was in middle school.
17. Currently i am using 2 cellphones and it's annoying (one personal, one company!)
18. I am passionate for black and white movies and old hollywood cinema.
19. I have 2 younger brothers (24 and 13).
20. I studied Russian for 1 semester at uni.
9 minutes.
I am not tagging anyone but i am curious about all of you ;-)