from the mangotree to mangojuice :D

May 14, 2012 16:31

here the mangoes are still hanging on the tree... i wait until they fall because i love them really soft and sweet and ripe. people do eat them green, as well..

peeling them and putting them in the blender, blending them shortly...

....straining the rich juice....

blending them again, once with milk once with a little more water... and ready to DRINK :D yummy

and the tree again. since almost all mangoes are off the tree, it got heaps and heaps of new grass green leaves. so lovely. the only thing i hate is, that lots of old leaves and also small young ones keep falling down. and into my sink and everywhere. i could have broomed everyday. sigh.

now i am in Rosita again. one or two weeks gone.. who knows.. i will see. depends on the situation on the river. there has been an other attack in the meantime.. and some more problems.

pix, food, tropical fruits

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