Oct 24, 2011 22:23
bummer.. i got home today at my house and i have NO ELECTRICITY! not because the town is without it.. NO! there was some problem outside the house where someone must have cut a cable or anything..
i called the landlord today, he came over but he was no big help... so i ended up sitting in my house from 6 pm till now (10:20 pm) burning down 5 candles.. and sitting here with a headlight preparing my presentation for tomorrow.
must say i wasn't as pissed as i thought i would be... though i guess i need to get more candles for tomorrow night. they supposedly are going to fix the problem, but I'd better be prepared ;)
now the last candle just went out... so good night in LJ-land ;)
ps: might you wonder, how on earth i am still able to post this entry - well, my laptop has amazingly long-lasting batteries and my internet (if it works... UMTS yawn!) is a USB stick and needs no other source of energy than the device it is plugged to ;)