... of Infinitely Differentiable Riemannian Manifolds
In some ways, it frightens me that now I actually understand/recognise all of the words in there[1], even if I couldn't rigorously use them all.
My elder brother and
greabo_girl came down to London for the day, and I saw them, which was nice. They gave me a singing Dracula plush toy (which may well lead to my execution by ICSF) and a rather nifty
T-Shirt (OK, so I know at least one other person who wears it, but as if that will stop me...)
My younger brother and his girlfriend have been down for the weekend - we went Christmas shopping (Got everything from a tiny cactus on a keyring (for Alan) to Settlers of Catan (for the aforementioned younger brother) to Of the Imitation of Christ (for Jen). Now I'm chronically broke again (and still have to get a lot of other things).
We also went to see 'Heatwave 2006' at the Royal Festival Hall. It was meant to be part of the London Jazz Festival, but the music wasn't exactly jazzy. There was a group from Madagascar and a guy from Cape Verde - both of which were impressive, but their encore - a mixture of the two musical styles was indescribable.
I've backslid with the amount of work I need to do (It doesn't help that I spent a good hour thinking Stokes' Theorem was a statement connecting a volume to a surface, not a surface to a curve - not that it's helped to correct that, since I end up with an integral of cos(x^2) dx - and another hour trying to decode my notes about Euler-Lagrange - it turns out that the reason that I'd apparently never defined η because I'd written y instead of η in the line defining the perturbed function.). Still, even if I'm not doing all the 'optional' problem sheets, I've not missed any coursework deadlines yet.
I am frightened that of all the procrastination options available to me, I chose to read a Union Council minutes (in my defense, it was of concrete use to me - my job as Clerk to the Committee for the Student Activities Committee was influenced by that meeting). I also discovered the following gem in the Union Constitution:Regulation 4, Section C, point 97: "Members must think before voting"
Finally, just to advertise it more: I will be running a showing of Neverwhere this Friday evening in the ICSF library. Come to it. Neverwhere is awesome.
[1] For those of you without a classical education, it is a line from Tom Lehrer's Lobachevsky