So I just woke up.
This is the second time it's happened. It seems that with the right amount of alcohol and the right amount of tired, or lack of tired, my mind is able to create the most vivid horrible terrifying dreams imaginable.
In this case I woke up screaming and tearing at my neck as I tried to rip an evil white devil mouse (actually it was kinda brown, but white sounds cooler, cuz they've got the little cute beady
red eyes) from my neck. Now you're probably wondering why the hell I was tearing a cute little devil mouse from my neck. Well, the fact is it wasn't just on my neck, it was CHEWING THROUGH MY NECK (as the subject of this journal entry may or may not[if you're retarded] have implied). This was no normal fucking dream either, I could feel the mouse chewing away....chew chew chew, tear, swallow, chew chew chew, tear, swallow...etc.
Turns out it was actually just my stubble getting sorta kinda caught on the pillow :/ damn my overactive imagination.
Now you're also probably wondering what the first time was. Well, obviously I was drunk again (do I even need to mention this?). If you've ever read any H.P. Lovecraft, and you know what a Shoggoth is, then you may have a vague idea of What I Saw While Passed Out Drunk (aka WISWPOD) looked like. Frankly, I'm not even going to try to describe it beyond that, it was much too terrifying, and my fingers grow too weak to type as I try to recall the unimaginable horror. Let me just finish by saying that I woke screaming, fueled by pure terror, and the knowledge of my own impending death, as I lunged at my bedroom wall in a final show of defiance towards the eldritch being about to take my life.
Well, actually not really fin, cuz I thought I'd mention that my scream was so terrifying the first time that Matt cowered in his room because he thought I was getting killed, and Pat thought someone had broken into the house (he actually came downstairs and said "who's there" or something along those lines), I think Chully cowered in his room too. Sooo....FIN for real I guess.