Wow! Zelda's game music torrent link *_*

Nov 18, 2006 17:38

Crazy, crazy, crazy me :D Must have this ♥
When I get it I'll share some of my favorites melodies here ^____^
Awwwww! Zelda! *fangirl's happy dance*

I've palyed Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask. Both games till the end.
The most favorite girl from Ocarina game is Water Princess when she gets older ♥
I wonder if I can find the pic of her somewhere on the Net ?_? I think her name was Ruto, or?

And here is actually a torrent link: The Legend of Zelda OSTs(APE+FLAC) (WindWaker, Majora's Mask, Sound and Drama, Ocarina Of Time , ReArranged & Hyrule Symphony) -- 2.7 Gb

Нашла офигительный торент О.О Музыка из игры Зельда *_*
Кто хочет сам тянуть, то линк выше. Когда я скачаю и прослушаю, то выложу мои любимые мелодии для скачивания :)

Update! He he
New Zelda game videos on Youtube:

Upadate 2!
Found adult Ruto picture :D But she was 100 time more cute in the game actually!
Ocarina of Time


torrents, links, youtube, game

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