
Dec 31, 2013 01:10

DOCTOR (into radio) : Well then, the Angels have made their second mistake because I'm not going to let that pass.
I'm sorry you're dead, Bob, but I swear to whatever is left of you, they will be sorrier.

ANGEL BOB (over radio) : But you're trapped, sir, and about to die.

DOCTOR (into radio) : Yeah, I'm trapped. Speaking of traps, this trap has got a great big mistake in it. A great big, whopping mistake !

ANGEL BOB (over radio) : What mistake, sir ?

DOCTOR (into radio) : Oh, big mistake. Huge. There's one thing you never put in a trap, if you're smart, if you value your continued existence,
if you have any plans about seeing tomorrow, there is one thing you never, ever put in a trap.

ANGEL BOB (over radio) : And what would that be, sir ?

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