Дэвид Клингхоффер, старший сотрудник института «Открытие», гениален. В своей заметке он
доказывает, как ему кажется, что сумасшедший старый антисемит Джэймс фон Бранн, застреливший охранника в музее Холокоста, - эволюционист:
Now isn't this fascinating. James von Brunn, the white-supremacist suspect in today's Holocaust Memorial Museum shooting in which the guard who was shot has now tragically died, describes the relevance of evolution to his sick thinking. He's obsessed with "genetics." He writes in his manifesto (emphasis added):
Approval of inter-racial breeding is predicated on idiotic Christian dogma that God's children must love their enemies (a concept JEWS totally reject); and on LIBERAL/MARXIST/JEW propaganda that all men/races are created equal. These genocidal ideologies, preached from the American pulpits, taught in American schools, legislated in the halls of Congress (confirming TALMUDIC conviction that goyim are stupid sheep), are expected to produce a single, superintelligent, beautiful, non-White "American" population. Eliminating forever racism, inequality, bigotry and war. As with ALL LIBERAL ideologies, miscegenation is totally inconsistent with Natural Law: the species are improved through in-breeding, natural selection and mutation. Only the strong survive. Cross-breeding Whites with species lower on the evolutionary scale diminishes the White gene-pool while increasing the number of physiologically, psychologically and behaviorally deprived mongrels. Throughout history improvident Whites have miscegenated. The "brotherhood" concept is not new (as LIBERALS pretend) nor are the results - which are inevitably disastrous for the White Race - evident today, for example, in the botched populations of Cuba, Mexico, Egypt, India, and the inner cities of contemporary America.
В этом смысле все нацисты - эволюционисты. Ну или все расисты. Пользуясь такой «логикой», можно показать, что все противники абортов являются нацистами. Достаточно сравнить реакцию «pro-life» организаций на убийство Тиллера (это мы уже видели) с реакцией неонацистов (например,
Джона де Нюджента) на преступление в музее:
An acquaintance of von Brunn’s, John de Nugent, “who describes himself as a white separatist,” told the Post that von Brunn had been paranoid recently that “someone in Washington” cut his Social Security after “looking at his Web site.” De Nugent also tried to distance von Brunn from what he deemed “the responsible white separatist community”:
De Nugent called von Brunn a genius but described the shooting as the act of “a loner and a hothead.”
“The responsible white separatist community condemns this,” he said. “It makes us look bad.”
http://thinkprogress.org/2009/06/11/responsible-white-separatist/ Самоозначенные «правильные люди» (и дед, и Клингхоффер, и де Нюджент) всегда пользуются любыми идеями, подтверждащими их радикально смещенное мироощущение. Последнее обосновывает методы реализации идей. Кто-то пописывает статейки, а кто-то берется за оружие. Но самое противное, что и те, и другие живут за счет интеллектуально обездоленных людей.