At a time when the Republicans are blaming President Obama for the bank bailout and the housing crash and the rampant unemployment he caused while serving as the junior senator from Illinois while heroic President Bush was unable to stop him, it's refreshing to see
a clear explanation of what Bush policies actually did to the economy. (I was going to copy a few graphics and telling paragraphs here, but it's better to go there and read the analysis in its entirety.)
What strikes me as odd -- is actually maddening -- about the Democratic leadership is that they seem to assume everyone knows this already. President Obama has consistently lowered taxes, reduced government spending, freed up funding and eliminated fees so working class people can send their children to college, keep their homes, and have more money in their pockets. And Republicans are running attack ads claiming he's destroying the economy and driving working people out of their homes while burying them in unnecessary taxes and debt.
In every state Republicans are promising to rescue America from runaway government and out of control spending as though they expect everyone to forget that they caused the problems and that President Obama is the one reigning in the unregulated spending and demanding the government be held accountable for its actions. And you know what? It's working. Call hospice programs death panels, paint a Hitler mustache on Obama, call him a socialist (or an illegal alien), and people will march in the streets demanding his resignation and the ouster of the Democratic Party.
In May of 2009 President Obama strengthened the Second Amendment -- the right to keep and bear arms -- and individual liberty to levels beyond anything even gun-loving President Reagan had dared. The bill was introduced by a Republican, but President Obama signed the right for Americans to carry loaded weapons in national parks into law. A historic first, and a strong show of support for individual rights. The law went into effect in February of 2010. You'd expect a show of appreciation, maybe even a "thank you," from the right, wouldn't you?. No such luck. The right wing used this new-found privilege to mount a massive rally of gun-toting conservatives in a national park right across the river from the capitol. They were protesting President Obama's runaway government controls, plan to end individual freedom, and "well known" intention to take all of their guns away.
When asked in a recent poll about the individual provisions of the new health care bill -- such as no lifetime limits on benefits and no loss of coverage if you lost your job and no exclusions for preexisting conditions, etc. -- nearly nine out of ten Americans was in favor of each provision. But when asked what they thought of the "Obama Health Care Bill" 81% were against it. In other words, the Republican propaganda machine has been so effective that people will vote against what they believe in, against what they know is in their best interest, fair, and in the best interests of America as a whole, if the name Obama is attached.
And the Democrats -- including President Obama -- are doing nothing to get the truth out there. Nothing to counteract the Republican assault on the American people.