May 16, 2006 22:32
* . . About You . . *
Eye Color:: green
Hair Color:: too dark of blonde :(
Height:: 5'5
Favorite Color::pink duh
Screen Name:: kelsee214
Favorite Band:: well im going to see dmb soon :)
Favorite Movie:: notebook is amazing, theres others
Favorite Show: greys anatomy!! oc.. csi.. just whatev
Your Car:: camryyyy
Your Hometown:: springy ;)
Your Present Town:: same
Your Crushes First Name: my "summer" or "actual" crush hahah
Your Grade:: 10th
Your Style:: just amazing. ha
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop?: at my old house
Kissed someone in the rain?: yeah
Danced in a public place?: yeah fudpuckers was hot.
Smiled for no reason? uhh no.
Laughed so hard you cried?: weekly
Peed your pants after age 8?: nope
Written a song? yeah titled welcome to bella milano~ i love my work.
Sang to someone for no reason?: mhmm today!
Performed on a stage?: haha you could call it a performance
Talked to someone you don't know? the weird kid!
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: yeah
Made out in a theatre?: only in middle school. ugh.
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: nope
Been in love?: no and if i was i would be like... but im 16...
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you?: kt and kris
Tell you, I love you?: uhh idk!
Kiss you?: i dont kiss and tell :)
Hug you?: uhh i gave han a hug
Tell you BYE?: nat
Write you a note?: pry nat
Take your photo?: natalie
Call your cell phone?: chris
Buy you something?: my mom
Go with you to the movies?: hmmmm... amanda mitch and mike and alex
Sing to you?: welll
Write a poem about you?: no one writes me poems
Text message you?: matt or auds
Touch you?: momma
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?: on the wya home
Time you cried? i cant even recall.
Movie you watched?: i cant even recall.
Joke you told?: the ones i read in teh bathrooms
Song you've sang?: last dance w/ mary jane.. what a classic
Time you've looked at the clock?: when i got home around 9
Drink you've had?: iced tea
Number you've dialed?: chris
Book you've read?: well i read a few pages of the old man and the sea but then i wa slike OH WAIT theres no test!
Food you've eaten?: bruschetta chicken pasta
Flavor of gum chewed?: watermelon
Shoes you've worn?: franco sartoooos
Store you've been in?: baskin robbins? or i guess actual store would be abercrombie
Thing you've said?: goodnight love!
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands? no
Whistle?: mhm
Blow a bubble? mhmm
Roll your tounge in a circle?: mhmmm
Cross your eyes?: only when im mad haha... yes
Touch your tounge to your nose?: nope
Dance: only on occasions haha.. otherwise no.
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: yeah
Speak a different language?: speak? yes. have any idea what im saying? nope.
Impersonate someone?: oh yeah like the girls in my class and potatoe woman
Prank call people?: umm i suck but tennis girls are good we all contribute
Make a card pyramid?: too impatient
Cook anything?: yeah
* . . Finish The Line . . *
I wish ...: it was summer 06!!!!
So many people don't know that ...: i am nice
I am ...: bored
My heart is ...: FULLL OF LOVE~