Nov 05, 2006 03:18
Okay, I think I’m losing it. I’m driving myself crazy with my unexplainably strange antics. Since SPM is like 2 weeks away, I should be busy studying. (Notice I use the word should). So this is my typical day…
I open my History textbook and stared at a page for 5 whole minutes before realizing that I’ve read that page before. *Ohh…* I search for the page I’m suppose to study (which takes another 5 minutes because of my refusal to use bookmarks) and I study for about another 5 minutes. Then, somehow I’ll be day-dreaming. I can’t help it. I’ll be thinking about the bbq party, driving lessons, new contact lens, new hp, college life, watching Eragon, going to the new mall, Queensbay (which btw, will be opening sometime this DECEMBER!!!), watching lots of movies and… Oh wait. No, no, no. Here I go again. I’ve gotta stop thinking about those stuff! It annoys the hell out of me but I can’t seem to be able to stop. Then, I’ll start writing a blog in my head (no kidding), which now that I’ve typed down, sounds just disturbing and weird.
Anyway, I’ve been talking to myself too, lately. Since I’ve been deprived of my social life, I’ve resorted to actually hold conversations with myself. And, I’ve found out that I am a pretty good conversationalist with myself. Just that day, I was telling myself how wonderful and exciting life would be after SPM which the other part of me then asked me to shut up and continue studying. That went on and on for quite sometime till it actually gave me quite a headache…
My parents are absolute sweeties these few days!!!~ They’ve been so nice to me (I suspect it is another of their attempt to bribe me to study). They actually finally agreed to get broadband for me (maybe it’s because of last month RM100++ phone bill???), brought my sis, bro and I to Batu Feringghi to get more erm, not so original DVDs, got me an ice-cream cake for my birthday, and I got to eat my American Roast Chicken!!! *nyam, nyam*
Oh which reminds me, SPM is in two weeks time!!! I can’t believe it is actually so near already… I haven’t even finished studying yet. Shit, shit, shit. Haven’t touched Moral, MM, music, BM, BI and MT. Oh no, oh no. Damn it, how am I suppose to finish all that in 2 weeks??? Okay, relax. Take a deep breath, *breath in, breath out*. I shall clear my mind, relax and all of these will go away… Ah crap, who am I kidding?
>>^_^<< …