After careful and long deliberation I've concluded that there is only one possible outcome that will satisfactorily ameliorate my current situation. I'm going to have to buy Hayley a
Silk Spectre II outfit.
In other news, I'm getting really tired of the virus I seem to have had for the past 8 days. I came down with what I thought was a sore throat about three weeks back, then it mysteriously passed after a couple of days. Lulled in to a false sense of security I resumed my normal schedule; escalating from lying on the couch playing videogames to sitting on the beanbag playing videogames. About ten days passed and it transpired that not only had the mild cold I'd picked up retreated before my immune system could have him on the fucking cobbles, he'd returned with several of his angrier, stronger and more infectious mates. So I now have a veritable cornucopeia of symptoms including but not limited to breathing difficulties, blocked up / runny nose (depends on time of day), productive cough, headaches, lethargy, joint pain, grumpiness, occassional impending sense of doom and intermittent stomach upsets. I'm not quite sure what to do now? Whether to just leave it and hope it passes or go and see my GP. I don't like wasting their time if it'll just pass, and I do know that some viruses can last for weeks at a time.
I'm hoping I'll feel well enough tomorrow to actually do something since for the past fortnight I've not done very much. I haven't trained for over a week and have spent any time I'm not at work just sitting around trying to get better. I think we're planning on seeing Watchmen at some point, and I might also pick up GTA: Chinatown Wars on the DS as well as something for Hayley since she's finished Professor Layton. Hopefully I'll manage to go training once or twice too.
I think I need to find a new hobby. Missing training for the past week or so has made me realise that my hobbies are more or less comprised of weightlifting, videogames and watching films. There's nothing inherently wrong with that, and of course I do more activities than just those three but if I was asked to list my hobbies they're the three I'd select. I'm always a little dubious of people who list an emormous list of hobbies since they're either incredibly busy people, or just chock full of shit. I know a lot of people who have done a vaguely impressive sounding activity once and then wheel it out at every opportunity when asked about their interests. For example I've done a few track days, but I don't list motor racing as a hobby of mine.
As it happens, my interests make a fairly good combination since weightlifting requires periods of rest and you don't get much more rested than lying on the couch playing videogames. Unless you're asleep. I also don't get gamer gut since I lift weights and watch what I eat.
It's probably just my general mood at the moment, which is always affected when I'm sick, but for the past week nothing in terms of hobbies has really grabbed my interest. I've tried to watch films but have struggled to get in to them, I've tried to play games but haven't really had the inclination or energy and I obviously can't bust the power moves in the gym since I'm too unwell to do so. I think it's just my general mindset this week (ill, a bit grumpy and unmotivated) but it does concern me a little that if for some reason lifting weights was banned would I end up pissing my evenings away like I have done this week lying on the couch watching garbage on TV :/
It hasn't helped that I've felt incredibly horny for the past fortnight and have felt too unwell to do anything about it. Not to mention that being a snotmonster is about as arousing as roadkill.
I got the car serviced recently, which was very reasonably priced although I suspect the next one won't be so frugal for me since I'm going to need new tyres according to the garage so that'll be the best part of £800 just on those. I haven't had the scuff removed yet, since we had some unexpected plumbing and roofing bills this month which has eaten up our disposable cash. So it's going to be done next month instead.
Obi and Spaghetti are getting on well, although Obi is becoming increasingly convinced that he is in charge of the house anytime that Hayley is out. He sees me as his bipedal doggy mate rather than his owner which is fine by me, but does cause problems with obedience when I'm out with him. I pretty much have to cajole him in to doing what I want, which is usually not savaging the nearest passer-by. Although I have to admit that some people are pretty fucking stupid. Imagine the scene if you will... A gentle spring day, 2pm in the afternoon and you're out for a walk. You come across a large expanse of grass several hundred feet in length and breadth. Otherwise known as a park. Within this area is a man and his 8 stone, bright white American Bulldog with a bright red body harness on. Since you've clearly suffered recent major head trauma, you begin to approach the pair, despite the fact that the dog drops low, bares his teeth and starts growling at you.
"IS HE FRIENDLY?" you inquire.
It's usually around this point that I'm reminded of a scene from The Terminator where Arnold is sitting in his hotel room formulating his next attack when the hotel manager asks "Hey buddy, what've you got in there a dead cat?". We then cut to Terminator vision and he presents himself with several options...
- I'm sorry, could you return later
- -Say nothing-
The Terminator pauses, and then selects "FUCK YOU, ASSHOLE" as the most suitable response.
So anyway, by this point I'll be looking slightly nervous (replace this with very nervous if you have children with you) and I'll be doing my Terminator bit to elucidate upon the most suitable response. I'm not known for my brevity, and I find situations like this awkward so I'll usually try to explain that he's not unfriendly, but he isn't too keen on strangers who walk right up to him and shove their hands in his face whilst standing at full height. As I blurt out this, Obi will usually be going fucking mental at them as they lurch dangerously close to his very powerful jaws.
Temporary alleviation of the effects of their major head trauma will then cause them to wake the fuck up and realise what they're doing. Usually they'll then get shirty with me because my dog barked at them, or bared his teeth, or lunged at them. Completely failing to recognise the fact that they deliberately closed a fifty to one hundred foot gap to see the "cute little" 8 stone doggy, whilst also making themselves look as menacing and threatening as possible.
Obi isn't by any means an aggressive or threatening dog. Far from it, he growls and bares his teeth at idiotic strangers because he's scared. He's scared for his safety and for mine. It just makes me wonder how people can fail so spectacularly to read the signals that we're both giving off, and to then turn the situation around to try to blame us. Granted there are times it's less clear cut, such as walking through a housing estate. You can turn a corner and bump in to someone which'll surprise Obi and he'll start barking. It's the people that deliberately close huge gaps and misread every signal being presented to them that irritate me.
Anyway after that random rant I'd better get some lunch :D