A New Year...

Jan 02, 2005 19:52

So yeah, happy freakin' new year to y'all...hope everyone enjoyed the holidays..Lord knows I did...from giving Christmas presents and seeing the eyes of all my friends light up and smile from ear to ear, to getting all crunked up at a birthday bash of some of my close friends...from enjoying spending time with old friends, to making some new ones and re-acquainting myself with old ones....

but all in all, things went well throughout the holidays....sis and fiance was cool, took them through the city...got to spend some time with some of my best friends...met up with this person I met on friendster...and boy..let me tell you..as cool as we have been, talkin' on the phone and sh*t...I got to meet up with her, and she's not only as chill as sounds on the phone..she's even greater in person...although we only chilled for an hour or so...wish we had more time, and met under better circumstances....but ya know, I was just happy that I got to meet her, and I hope that she'll chill with me again...but hey....can't force the issue....

Anyways, with the new year, it's a new time, new resolutions...so what are yours???
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