A Little Soul - Wincest Reversebang 2017

Jun 16, 2017 08:55

Title: A Little Soul
Author: Gatorgurl94
Artist: Kuwlshadow
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Sam Winchester/Dean Winchester
Summary:  The path is a short one; it only takes a minute for them to come to its end where they find a pile of very familiar clothing- a scorched tan trench coat and what looks like a black suit jacket and pants- lying in the middle of blackened ground. There, on top of the pile lies the source of the wailing: a baby, its face puce from crying, its arms and legs kicking furiously as it continues to scream.

Challenge: wincest_reverse

Notes: Gatorgurl94 picked my prompt and wrote an awesome fun story inspired by it.  I hope you read it.  :)  I am happy she picked my prompt to write about.



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