Title: Pool party
Couple: none
By: me ....YAY.....
The Hood house quiet and serine, full of love and compassion. Yeah right! “TOAD!!!!!!!!! JUST YOU WAIT UNTIL I GET MY HANDS ON YOU!!!!” The house started to shake and a young dirty/brown headed kid cam hopping down the stairs. Spotting Freddy he hopped behind him. Freddy being the only thing big and strong enough to save him form his fate of being the rock tumblers personal sacrifice to the earth. “Hey man be a bud and save me, yo.”
“Oh no Toad. I want nothing to do with your problems this time.”
“Awww common, yo. He’s gonna kill me.” “Not my problem little buddy.” Freddy then walked away. Pietro then decided to zoom into the room wearing a pair of dark blue swimming trunks a pair of goggles, sunglasses, feet flippers, a funny looking penguin tube ring, and sun screen plastered all over his body. “Uhhhhhhh Tro what’s with the get-up, yo?” Pietro giving me this look with what looked like a sparkle in his eye. He came over put his arm around my shoulders and said,
“Toad have you noticed how nice it is out side?”
“Uhhh yeah.”
“How the warmth of the sun feels so good on your skin. Well if you have then it’s a good time for swimming.” By this time Lance, who seemed to have lost interest in Toad, Freddy, Wanda and Tabby all came in to the room.
“Only one problem with that plan Pietro is that we have no pool and we were banned from the local pool last year due to unmentionable disaster.”
“Ahhh but that where your wrong my dearest sister. We do have a pool. Just bought it this morning.”
“More like stole it.”
“Details details. The point is we have one now. And may I say is very big. Follow me and I’ll show you.” So the brotherhood followed the great pool thief Pietro to the backyard and the marveled at the huge, beautiful pool. (Complete with water slides, diving boards, and a bunch of other stuff you can’t really buy with your pool but they have it.)
“Wow, yo. This is amazing, yo!” They all ran back in to the house coming back out moments later in swimming suits.
“Now wait just a moment my friends. We need to don all of the necessary safety equipment.” Pietro zipped around and so everyone had the necessary equipment. This is what it looked like:
Toad: Green swim trunks, Green froggy ring tube, goggles, Green foot flippers, froggy arm floaties.
Freddy: black swim trunks with white shirt, blue flippers, goggles, and one huge blue ring tube.
Tabby: and orange/red/white bikini, Goggles, A chickie ring tube, orange flippers.
Wanda: red and black bikini, goggles, black bunny ring tube, black flippers.
Lance: blue black trunks, goggles, a cartoon dragon ring tube, and brown flippers.
Toad looked around at all of them. “Hey why am I the only one with arm floaties? I’m a better swimmer that all of you put together.”
“Now Toady no need to get moody.”
“I’m not moody, yo!”
“Hey Toad look at Wanda. Isn’t se pretty?” Toad looking over to Wanda, smoothed back his hair walking over.
“Hey baby cakes. Need some one to help put that lotion on you back maybe?”
“Get out of my FACE YOU LITTLE WORM!!!!!!!” she hexed him in to the pool the pool exploding.
“Well there goes the pool.” Wanda and the others went back inside to find something else to do. And so ends the Pool Party.