how do I pester a professional on how a singlet can have an inner world? seems to hint that we can. as can one have headmates that are something unexplainable by physics so "it must be mediumship"
a D.I.D expert I suppose.
then they can learn it's not just media that gets something wrong, it's "uwu flying toasters"
or is this "mind palace things"?
or is this a "you need to believe"?
I can't even lucid dream, even then both are not magic adventures. but people talk of this escape as something true and valid. you can visit people not of this earth. and make it sound like a real universe you travle to, and not making yourself break from reality
scicence pages tell me those are all psudo memories, and nothing really happend. just filler.
yes, pester an expert with "oh, you can visit other people's mindspaces right?" and such.
yes, as a professional if system hopping is real, and if they rather see more movies like Glass, than have everyone run around telling people you can visit other worlds.
back when I thought i had extradimentional bodyless pals, nobody who said they were able to find them did. so either they are utter failures or nothing was real.