Your Existing Situation
"Very emotional and artistic, enjoys being surrounded by beauty and art. Looking for a partner who always has an eye for beauty and who enjoys close, loving relationships."
Your Stress Sources
His current situation is seen as dangerous and threatening to her overall well-being. she is angry that she will have to place her own goals on hold as she tries to find a solution to the problem. she feels overwhelmed and helpless to make changes which leaves her emotionally drained.
Your Restrained Characteristics
Current situations force her into compromise and placing her own hopes and desires on hold for the time being.
Current situations have left her feeling overwhelmed and tormented. Needs to avoid further activity or demands and concentrate on relaxing and becoming emotionally sound.
"Although she feels isolated and alone, she is afraid of forming deep, meaningful relationships. Is conceited and is easily offended."
Is satisfied and finds contentment through sexual activity.
Current situations force her into compromise and placing her own hopes and desires on hold for the time being.
Your Desired Objective
"Feels stressed due to her current situation or relationships, and needs to make changes. Looking for a solution that will increase her chances of fulfilling her current hopes and dreams."
Your Actual Problem
"Agitated, unpredictable, and irritation as well as lack of energy and inability to cope with any more pressure placed on her have left her feeling stress and tormented by her situation. Feels powerless to come up with a solution on her own; desperately wishes a solution will present itself and allow her a chance to escape."
Your Actual Problem #2
"Fears she will be held back from achieving things she really wants, leading her to search endlessly for satisfaction and become involved in activities which are pointless."
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