So... I wanna show you MY ROOM!!!! X3
Not the entire room though LOL
Just wanna show "My Collections" XD
Pic taken using Alexandrite aka my phone :X
As you can see, most of them are shojo manga |D
Coz am a sucker for shojo :/
Random: See that "A Treasury of FAIRY TALES" book? I had it eversince I was four -- or five XD
Next is mine and Chiaki's teddy collection X3
Most of them are birthday presents *A*
The middle section of the shelf if where I put Detective Conan and Doraemon manga XD
And the far - end section is where I put tons of story books and novels <3
And below is magazines STACKO!! Mainly Gempak, Utopia, Kreko and AK =w=Those are the recent ones..There's the other older ones that I put into a many boxes OTL
So thats it for IZU'S ROOM TOUR 2010 XD
Oh and
将太's voice is absolutely beautiful TAT
Aaaandd I also found a few facts about the NicoNico Singers and you know what? It makes me LOVE THEM EVEN MORE ( ´ω`)