Jan 10, 2007 20:21
You see, Anuya, when I go to LJ to read my friends page & comment on a journal, I do so in the context of my relationship with that person. Some comments I make on some of my friends' LJ, I wouldn't make on others'. It would be lost on them, maybe their personality is different, we relate on a different level, we're sillier, we're more serious - whatever the relationship I have with each of my LJ friends, I comment within that relationship.
Maybe my LJ friends hold other types of friendships with other people who also read their LJ. That's fine with me. And my relationship with my LJ friends should be fine with ther other LJ friends.
As a general rule, and as a personal point of internet etiquette, I don't comment on posts in someone else's LJ, unless it's to extend a complement or ask a question such as "I love that icon, did you create it yourself?" or "you are stunning." or "I read your post in xXx LJ and then I read some of your public posts. I think you're funny, can I add you as a friend?" A post you'll RARELY EVER find me extending is "you're wrong for reasons 1, 2 & 3" and then trying to argue with the other person, in someone else's LJ.
I think that's rude. If I find someone has made a post in one of my LJ friend's posts that I don't agree with, I accept that as someone else's opinion, which they felt was worthy of reporting to their LJ friend who happened to be my LJ friend. That is to say, my LJ friend relates to this other person in a different way that I do, and therefore, if they take offense, or want to discuss it further, they will, on their own accord. I don't know this other person, and I have no right to brag about all the stuff I know to this person. They might cut me. They might be a maniac genius who traces my ISP, finds all my personal information, comes to my house & cuts me up to assume my identity.
In fact, I do my best to avoid confrontation because I know just how vicious I can be, and I would hate to alienate any of my LJ friends because I lost control with one of their other LJ friends. Shit just ain't that crucial. But that doesn't mean I don't have steam to blow off. And that's where you come in (you're such a great listener).
Anyway, Anuya, that's my opinion.