Fic: A Winning Discovery

Jul 04, 2009 11:59

Title: A Winning Discovery
Author: bonomania
Rating/warnings: Um. PG-13 ish.
Summary: House's team are set a challenge. Kutner wants to win, but will it be worth it? Features a guest appearance from someone I miss...
Disclaimer: I don't own House. I want to.
A/N: For the lovely californiaquail from whom I've hijacked this idea. (Split into two parts because it's too big!)

(Hi everyone, I didn't know this comm existed until yesterday, so now I've found it, I thought this fic might belong here as it's quite Kutner-centric.)

Part One - Part two is linked at the end of part one.

fic rating: pg-13, fic author: bonomania

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