Fanfic ^^

Jun 27, 2008 01:27

Hey guys :]

I must say that I love this community and all your fanfics, they are so great <3
Well, unfortunately I made another thutner-community because stupid as I am I didn´t notice that there already exists one. I hope you´re not mad at me :(
Anyway I wrote a few fanfics about Thutner too and thought I would share it with you ;]
I´ll post one here, if you want to read more, you can find them in the ..well...second thutner community. (sorry again)

Title: Not a normal morning
Language: english (it isn´t my first language, so... please be nice :D)
Pairing: Kutner x Thirteen
Disclaimer: I don´t own the characters of course

And be careful, there are spoilers for season 4 finale!

He wasn't prepared for what happened.
Though he had known that it would happen and though he had often imagined it in his thoughts, when it actually came to happen, he, Lawrence Kutner, was everything but prepared.

It was a morning like every other, the sun was shining and birds were singing. There was not a single cloud in the sky but that meant nothing. Kutner should soon learn that terrible things could always happen no matter how bright the sun shines.
Little Benjamin, who was now five years old, came running into the kitchen, jumped onto a chair and waited for his everyday morning cacao.
Kutner followed, whiping the sleep out of his eyes and murmuring a tired "Morning" to Remy and his son.
"Morning sleepyhead.", she replied lovingly and placed a cup of coffee in front of him.
"Where is my cacao?", Benjamin complained and started playing with his spoon.
"Just a moment.", Remy said and took the milk out of the fridge ,"Lawrence, I guess he inherited the impatience from you."
Kutner looked up innocently. "Me and impatient? You must be joking.", he said and grinned at Remy, who smiled back.
"Could you please bring me the newspaper , Benjamin?"
"Sure Daddy." The little boy jumped from his chair and ran to the front door.
Meanwhile Remy was about to carry Benjamin's cacao to the dinner table.
Kutner had nearly fallen asleep again with his head lying on the table when a loud noise made him look up.
Remy had dropped the cup of cacao which had broken in thousand pieces when reaching the floor, but she didn't even look at it. She only faced her shaking right hand.
At the same moment Benjamin came back with the newspaper. As he saw his mother standing there in the middle of the kitchen, her hand shaking uncontrolled, he stopped and simply stared at her.
"Thirteen!" Kutner jumped up, his face was almost as pale as hers. He didn't know why he had called her Thirteen now, he used to call her Remy, but it didn't matter anyway. Not now.
Remy's hand stopped shaking as fast and sudden as it had begun.
Benjamin looked at his parents. He couldn't understand the terror in their eyes. How often had he dropped something? He could just get a new cup of cacao, couldn't he? What was wrong?
Kutner walked towards Remy and caught her in his arms. He had thought he was prepared for this by just knowing and accepting that it would happen someday. It was all a big lie. He hadn't been prepared and he had never accepted it.
"I got you the newspaper, daddy.", Benjamin said, frightened by the sudden silence in the room and the shocked faces of his parents.
"Not now…", Kutner replied.
He had known it when he had first asked her out on a date. He had known it when he had married her. He had known it when they had decided to have a baby and he had known it when Benjamin had been born.
He had always known that this woman was dying…
Did he regret anything?
To be honest, Kutner didn't regret one single kiss. And even if their happiness broke with the small cup of cacao, he wouldn't regret a thing…



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