Aug 23, 2004 16:10
Hey :) its been awhile .. ive been busy.. haha for once! soo last thursday i went to the football scrimige game w/kiani.. it was pretty fun :D then friday I woke up eairly and went to 12 oaks w/liz we got lost like 100000 times and we had to walk into a gas station and ask where the freeway is and the guy didnt speak hardly any english it was Soo0o0o bad lol but then we got their and i got 2 shirts for me and 1 for my brother beacuse he hasnt got any yet beacuse my mom and dad arnt doing too good :/then after me and amanda went to the Mad ad show up @ the internet cafe it was pretty sweet..saw people i havent seen in awhile.. then we went to wendys got alota food ( amanda works their ) then dairy dan for desert :Pthen went and picked up trevor from skateland and visited josh for a little while untill trev got off then me and trevor chilled.. it was really fun :D actually no fighting that night !!!lol it was amazing :P then saturday i woke up eairly and went to get my hair done by julies sister donna :) she did an awsome job on the color but i think its too short its got layers up to my ears.. its differnt .. im not shure if im used to it yet tho.. then after i went to work..i was really late and couldnt find a ride and trevor called and i was crying beacuse i was stressed and he called back 5 minutes later like be outside in 10 minutes :) aw ! lol then i came home and passssssssssed out.. then sunday i helped my dad bulid my porch for a little then went to work and then after went stright to kianis .. it was me kiani mandie and amanda.. MAN i fuckin missed them girls! :/ it was FUCKIN So0o0o much fun lol we sat and talked about movies for like 2 hours and just laughed our asses off.. then we played speed and i lost EVERY time lol then amanda and mandy played and mandie domitated 8) yeyy go mandy :P lol while kiani sat their almost passed out w/her hand on her face? lmfao it was fun tho then we woke up @ 7 and got ready for our school pictures they all looked gourgous ... then theirs me :X lol but heres my classes...
1st hour - amer theames -welkenbach
2nd- Art- Babcock
3rd -poli sci-lapinski
4th votec
5th votec
6th votec
pretty sweet classes but im gettin my votec .. cos.. changed to desktop publishing HOPEFULLY :)then we went to dennys and we ate like crazy pigs!! lol and now im waitin for my mom to get done makein lazannnnnnnnnnna :P and hopefully trevors comein over to eat it :) thats all foaks :) See ya lattttttttturrrrrr or @ school :X :P :( lol