So tonight I’m laying in bed with Chris and I tell him that I think I’m ready for bed. We lay down, turn out the lights, and talk for a few minutes about random nothingness. Oh, also, keep in mind that at this point it had been 30 mins since I took my night time meds, all of which make you “drowsey”.
Any way, we are laying here, and I’m mid sentence and he starts to snore. I could care less that I was mid sentence when this happened. What irritates me to no end isn’t something he, or many others have control over. Chris has the ability to lay down to go to sleep, and within 5 mins be snoring. Me …. Without meds I’m looking at laying here for about two hours. With the med, not much less.
There are lots of people out there whom can just put their head down and be out like a light in no time. Others, like myself, need to slowly, meticulous go around a proverbial 20k sq. ft. mansion and turn off each light one at a time, one room at a time, before sleep is even possible. Then, we have to lay there in the dark, and forget about everything we just saw in each room that needs to be done tomorrow and GO TO SLEEP. It’s ridiculous.
I have tried for many of years to find a suitable solution to this problem. So far I have not been successful. So if someone knows how to turn the off switch off, please tell me now. I have tried cutting out caffeine past a certain time, I’ve tried cutting out caffeine completely. I’ve tried drinking bedtime teas, taking unisom, and all kinds of OTC and herbal remedies. All with little to no success, or with a major hangover in the morning. Even remedies your grandma gave you like a nice tall glass of warm milk. All it did was upset my stomach and make me have to pee.
I’m not sure where this rant is leading, it’s doubtful I will ever find the right answer for me. Even prescription meds don’t seem to be like that much of an answer. But, this is my place to rant about fucked up things, so that’s what I’m doing
Hope everyone has a good night!!! Sleep well, assholes :-*
Current Music: Chris snoring
Originally published at
DaizedBoi Blog