Oct 04, 2002 16:57
I am now a stalker...how cool is that. I have always wanted to be one..now kyle is labeling me as one...might as well take advantage of the name...lol. anyway. those(the two of you) who commmented and thank you guys, but i already knew that from the both of you and ditto... My life is similar to the progession of roller coasters: The Highs are Higher. The Lows are Lower. The Height change steeper. And everything is happening so much faster. I guess this also is the same as the stock market except the high part...lol Anyway isn't that funny how everything seems like such a big deal and my feelings vary from day to day...hmm. I have been thinking more about the future than anything. And losing those friends that mean so much to me scares me. My "clique(s)" means more to me than any guy. THE break-up of half a year ago is the best thing to happen to me in highschool. Thanks everyone(the girls especially) i love you all.